Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's successful year of youth training
by Ian Ellis 26 Sep 2013 13:45 BST
26 September 2013
Youth sailing at Royal Findhorn YC © Ian Ellis
During the year Royal Findhorn Yacht Club has expanded its training with new events throughout the summer. These have been a huge success with many existing and new club members taking part.
There have been sailors ranging from 6 to 60 taking part and from experienced club racers to relative novices. The weather has been very variable but we have always managed to run something for the keen participants.
The club has also run 2 major national training events, one for the growing RS400 fleet and one for younger sailors in RS Fevas, run in association with the RYA Scotland. The success of these events has been down to the enthusiasm of club members and class associations but has also been helped by the purchase of new training and race marks at the beginning of the season.
All of those who took part in the training over the year would like to thank the sponsorship from Macduff Ship Design which was matched by a Sport Scotland Sport Match award which allowed the club to purchase the new marks.
The last training event of the year is scheduled for this weekend but the training marks will prove to be an invaluable training asset for years to come.