Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club 75th Anniversary Dinner
by Ian Purkis 11 Dec 2013 14:25 GMT
7 December 2013

Fiona Phillips, Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club Commodore, with Keith Wells, Sailing Secretary and Ian Purkis, Social Secretary, following Club Trophy presentations and the Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club's 75th Anniversary Dinner © YOSC
Club celebrates 75 years with an Anniversary Dinner in company of the Royal Trains
Rounding off our 75th Anniversary year on 7th December, YOSC held our celebration dinner and dance in very special surroundings, the Royal Trains of the National Railway Museum in York. With guests from far and wide joining members, past members, sailing friends and families, and with the hubbub of a larger party in the distant background (seated next to an antiquated old goods train!), YOSC ended its 75th year in style.
The Club prize-giving proved a challenge with the hubbub now joined by authentic incomprehensible railway station announcements, our innovative Sailing and Social Secretaries quickly devised a system of sign language to communicate which trophies had been won by who and our Commodore, Fiona Phillips, was then able to make the presentations; great improvised fun! Speeches were however (thankfully) abandoned!
After all that excitement, the serious business of dining, the Club raffle, featuring not one but now three Naburn china ducks, and dancing into Sunday morning to the "Wonderland Express" disco followed. A great night and fitting conclusion to our special year!