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K16 taking control

ACO Musto Performance Skiff Worlds in Australia - Overall

by Rick Steuart 9 Jan 2015 16:25 GMT 5-9 January 2015

Day five: races eleven and twelve

The battle continued on the Swan river in Perth as the minor places were fought out. Surprisingly, the regatta itself had decided the placings with very little changes occurring in the last two races. Both Marcus Hamilton and Thor Schoenhoff had kept their placings, second and third and only minor changes in the top ten.

The first race of the final day started with the same south easterly blowing. Flat water, wind shifts and big gusts that boomed through the course laid across the Swan River made a mockery of a decision to go either left or right on occasions. Lucky for us we had a good Race Officer in Andy The fleet got away successfully with Nigel Wallbank making it to the top, riding the shifts to do so. He was followed by young sailor Stuart Keegan and who else but Jon Newman. A big gust took the fleet down to the leeward mark where a few falls occurred as the boats came together. Unfortunately Nigel overstood the mark and allowed the pack past. The pack comprising of Stuart, Thor, Paul Newman and Jon Newman took off up the right hand side to reap a handsome dividend. From then on the race evolved into a game of pick the shifts and as may be expected Jon Newman took first with Stuart Keegan second and Dave Poston third.

The last race for the day and championships started with the pack splitting in half with those who went left losing as the breeze dropped momentarily. Wayne Bates (Batesy) hit the right hand corner and looked famous with 100 metres to go. A big left hand shift moved in and it is rumoured that the world champion may have been beaten to the top, but only just. As the race progressed, frequent swings and huge gusts of wind coming down the course kept them on their toes and frequently you could ride a gust down to the bottom. The lead changed several times but Marcus Hamilton made t to the line in front, followed by David Poston and Richie Robinson took third while riding a huge gust that took him past several players including Dennis Jones.

The regatta has concluded and Jon Newman has rightfully claimed his crown at presentations tonight. Marcus Hamilton gracefully thanked all and sundry for his second spot and Thor Schoenhoff was chuffed to take third spot to go with his State championship.

The containers are packed, the presentation dinner has all but finished and all that has to be done is to thank the organising team, the race committee and the volunteers who put the hard yards in to get the ACO Musto Worlds to the finish point.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12Pts
1stAUS 492Jon Newman2211‑3111111‑812
2ndAUS 453Marcus Hamilton7‑1239‑18222287143
3rdAUS 513Thor Schoenhoff‑13‑15722673394952
4thGBR 449Ian Renilson (GM)8102314‑12‑137118660
5thAUS 489Denis Jones (M)411‑166659665‑14462
6thGBR 520Dave Poston379‑117‑231110563263
7thNED 478Paul Dijkstra915174‑1851293(RET)570
8thAUS 493Arthur Brett (M)11485515‑1874213‑2474
9thAUS 379Paul Newman63‑2189‑198518461077
10thAUS 380Richie Robertson (M)‑2714648‑2938101711384
11thAUS 472Tim Hill19117111010‑25‑151591497
12thSUI 306Alexander Greil (Y)15161010‑25‑2164127515100
13thGBR 516John Reekie12514(OCS)‑19313178101519116
14thGBR 446Ben Clegg (Y)178413‑2682515(DNS)121011123
15thSUI 470Nicolas Duchoud51317‑2610(DNF)41416201223134
16thAUS 440Wayne Bates (M)‑211813‑25142021211713217165
17thGBR 456Sergei Samus (M)10‑23191912‑28201821141922174
18thAUS 511Chris Sutherland (GM)1462216172422192221‑26‑31183
19thGBR 384Stuart Keegan2019241420‑32299(DNF)24226187
20thGBR 294Tom Conway (M)292115‑30‑339152313191825187
21stAUS 244Colin Turner (M)16171821222717201416(RET)(DNC)188
22ndAUS 4Robin Dayes26‑31‑29121611232425182018193
23rdGBR 476John Archer18(DNF)26‑271525141124252513196
24thGBR 394Nigel Walbank (GM)22271220291224‑3220‑312321210
25thAUS 524James Lewis(DNF)29(RET)1828732271122RET17227
26thAUS 218Richard Shallcross (M)2326‑301521‑31262826271720229
27thGBR 248Mark Haine19‑30252324‑30193027282216233
28thGBR 228Ron Barnes (GM)282427‑3323‑34301623231630240
29thAUS 429Jayson Brownie25282322‑301628‑3128302912241
30thAUS 357Chris Jahn33322824131416(DNC)(DNC)DNC2427247
31stAUS 423Daryl Stone (M)‑312020292722‑332919262828248
32ndGBR 521Iain Morton (GM)3225312831132722(OCS)(DNS)DNCDNC281
33rdGBR 333Tim Chapman (GM)24223331(DNS)263126(OCS)UFD2729285
34thNZL 502Aaron Duncan‑34333432321734(DNF)29293033303
35thAUS 425David Taylor (GM)303432343433(DNF)33(RET)323132325

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