30th Junior 12 Hour Race at Southport Sailing Club - Preview
by Matthew Harris 11 Apr 2015 09:42 BST
27 June 2015
It's now under 3 months before teams line up on the start line compete for the 30th SSC 12 Hour Race sponsored by 1stmark.co.uk. Going from strength to strength each year with both new teams and the return of old friends, the race has become a staple mid-season race for Juniors (under 20).
Started in 1985 at Southport Sailing Club the race involved teams competing in Enterprises and GP14s for 12 hours from 8am to 8pm. Over time the numbers of competitors has grown with an average of 30 teams competing each year for the last few years and the inclusion of the Bosun Dinghy as another class. Beyond the above trophy there are also a further 18 trophies awarded for various races within the race, along with a finishing plaque for every team that completes the 12 hours of racing.
This year we're hoping to again reach over 30 teams for our 30th year so if you are interested or want to know more please email us () or visit the club website at www.southportsailingclub.org.uk.