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New Yacht Club sails home

by Lynne East 2 Aug 2015 07:50 BST 2 August 2015
The new Brighton Marina Yacht Club club house heads for its final moorings © Julia Claxton

One of the largest floating buildings in the UK (3500 ft2.) was moved to its permanent moorings at the city's marina on Thursday.

The new home for Brighton Marina Yacht Club (BMYC) will be fitted out and open for members and guests in September, when BMYC is also running a new series of its Club Class introduction to yacht racing sessions. Club Class has introduced hundreds of local people of all ages and abilities to the sport over the years, and has been praised by the Royal Yachting Association as a model for other clubs to follow.

BMYC, one of the most active yacht clubs on the south coast, has to leave its current premises as redevelopment of the marina into a world-class destination accelerates. Its new home is the result of collaboration between Brunswick Developments (who, as part of the new 850 apartment, Outer Harbour Marina Development, funded the construction and provided the building for the yacht club), Intermarine (who have engineered and built the new clubhouse and its innovative floating platform) and Premier Marinas (who have provided its permanent mooring adjacent the Marina boardwalk).

"Hot on the heels of the opening Americas Cup weekend, interest in sailing is on a high and we're her to help anyone who wants to get on the water to do so affordably," said BMYC Commodore Phil Thomas. "Brunswick Developments commitment to bringing this fabulous building to life is commendable, and Intermarine has pulled out all the stops to make it happen technically."

Peter Green, who is directing the current works at the marina for Brunswick Developments said: "The new Yacht Club shows how large developments such as ours can have community benefits. We went above and beyond our legal obligation to provide space for a new Yacht Club, and provided a purpose-built unit located in the very heart of the marina. We are also providing a new RNLI station, provide new buildings at the very heart of regeneration enhancing the architecture of the marina and creating new opportunities for both the Club and the Marina itself."

The distinctive wave design of the building was conceived by club member and local architect Stewart Henton. Aided by international interior designer Cary Terlezki, the Club is now putting the finishing touches to the facility and it will be ready to welcome new and old members in September.

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