SailX Club Night at Queen Mary Sailing Club in aid of Sport Relief 2016
by Tony Bishop 21 Feb 2016 18:49 GMT
16 March 2016

SailX Club Night for Sports Relief 2016 © SailX
SailX, the leading online virtual sailing game, is teaming up with Queen Mary Sailing Club on Wednesday 16th March for a special training and racing club night. This event is free and open to all Club members, guests, SailX fans and first timers who can make it to Queen Mary sailing Club for this fundraiser event in aid of Sport Relief 2016.
Tony Bishop, Club Secretary commented "One of the challenges we have as a sailing club is keeping people engaged outside the summer season. We know a good number of members are already racing on SailX, and a good number more are curious, so having just beefed up the WiFi we thought a SailX Club Night would be a great way to bring members together and rasie funds for a great cause too."
Whatever your level of competency on SailX from zero to hero, please come and join us on March 16th. SailX is great fun but it's also a great tool to help keep your racing sharp during the off-season (for more info see Final Beat blog post), The event will start with a training workshop at 19:00 and will be followed by a formal regatta starting at 20:00. There will be a cash collection on the night for Sport Relief 2016.
The first Rule of Club Night... there are rules in Club Night! There will be a focus on the racing rules of sailing which feature in the simulator just as they do on the water. SailX is a great coaching tool and we hope to have a number of SailX experts supporting the night.
Plans for the evening are as follows:
- 19:00 Training and Workshop
- 20:00 Open Meeting: 5 races 4 to count
- 21:00 Prize Giving
SailX founder, Amando Estela commented "I am proud that we have seen clubs adopt SailX for club nights all over the world, they are a fun way to get a sailing fix. We will be supporting this first event at Queen Mary from our base in Spain and wish them every best for their night."
If you would like to take part please email if. All you need is a laptop!
Note: There is no need to wait until March - you can sign up and start racing today at