St Luke's Hospice fundraiser at Torpoint Mosquito SC next weekend
by Brigitte Mann 10 Sep 2016 12:08 BST
16-17 September 2016

Torpoint Mosquito St Luke's Charity Race - Liz Harris Cup - Stefano Franzolini and Roger Holman © Phillippa Smerdon
Two days of on-the-water and onshore activities to raise funds for local hospice
£2,744.63 raised last year
Both indoor and on-the-water sailing races feature in a fun-packed event to be held at Torpoint Mosquito Sailing Club in Marine Drive, Torpoint, PL11 2EH to raise funds for our local hospice, St Luke's, on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 September 2016.
The event starts at 19.30pm on Friday 16 August with indoor yacht racing when six wooden yachts will compete in six races sponsored by local businesses. With lots of chances to win this should be great fun for the whole family.
On Saturday morning starting at 10am the Club will host a coffee morning with lots of tasty home-made cakes, arts and crafts stalls, face painting and a tombola. Saturday afternoon sees the sailing highlight of the weekend with an on-the-water race between yachts, dinghies and windsurfers. In the evening there is free live music from Shaun (Fletch) Fletcher. Raffle tickets will be a sale on both days with the draw on Saturday night.
The club is open to all during the event and everyone is welcome. The organisers, Sue Griffiths and Jenny Roberts, are hoping that the Club will raise more than last year's total of £2,744.63.
Sue said "The event is open to everyone so please spread the word and come along with your friends and family to help us beat our previous fantastic fund raising attempts to help all those who are facing cancer or any other terminal illnesses. But if you cannot make it on during the event and would like to help, we are seeking raffle and tombola prize donations. Any donations can be dropped off at the club during open hours and we will be very grateful for anything that will help our efforts".
The event is just part of a full programme of events at the sailing club. Dinghy racing resumes for the autumn series on Sunday 11 September with a race start time of 11am. Over the weekend of 10 & 11 September, the annual Stewards Cup race to Fowey and back takes place and the Yacht Regatta takes place over the weekend of 24 & 25 September 2016. New members welcome. For details see