Torpoint Mosquito Sailing Club Dinghy Prize Giving 2017
by Brigitte Mann 21 Nov 2017 17:07 GMT
18 November 2017
Torpoint Mosquito Sailing Club dinghy section prize-winners 2017 © Brigitte Mann
Torpoint Mosquito dinghy sailors and supporters celebrated another year of great sailing - albeit in some challenging conditions at times - at their annual prize-giving on Saturday 18 November.
Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Steve Roberts, Sailing Secretary (Dinghies) and the awards were presented by the outgoing Commodore, Steve Creek. Votes of thanks and gifts were awarded to Jenny Roberts and Olga Shimell for their help onshore in running the races and to all the safety boat volunteers who turn out every week whatever the weather. The last race of the winter series is on Sunday 26 November and then after a short break, sailing resumes with the Spring Series starting on Sunday 4 February.
Award Winners:
- Autumn Series 2016 - Jack Mann and Ron Goggin
- Winter series 2016 - Keith Watts
- Brass Monkey Race - Matt Theobald
- Spring series 2017- Roger Gibb
- Monday Series 1 sponsored by Kilby's Restaurant: Fast Fleet - Roger Gibb, Medium Fleet – Bill Shimell
- Thursday Series 1 sponsored by G & R Electrical: Fast Fleet - Grace Cowd and Tony Ayers, Medium Fleet – Jack Mann and Ron Goggin
- Monday Series 2: Fast Fleet – Keith Watts, Medium Fleet – Richard Richmond
- Thursday Series 2: Fast Fleet - Steve Roberts, Medium Fleet - Jack Mann and Ron Goggin
- Regatta – Noah Rees
- Girl Cadet of the Year – Grace Cowd
- Three Rivers Pursuit Race – Alex Smerdon and Ronnie Carter