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CoastWaterSports 2014

The RCC Pilotage Foundation Pacific Crossing Guide by Kitty van Hagen

by Stephanie Morgan, Bloomsbury 9 Nov 2016 13:46 GMT 9 November 2016

£50 Hardback / £44.99 eBook

The Pacific Crossing Guide is a complete reference for anyone contemplating sailing the Pacific in their own boat. From ideal timing, suitable boats, routes, methods of communication, health and provisioning to seasonal weather, departure and arrival ports, facilities, likely costs and dangers, the comprehensiveness of this new edition will both inspire dreamers and instil confidence in those about to depart.

This new edition has been completely restructured with Part 1 covering thorough preparation for a Pacific crossing and Part 2 covering Pacific weather patterns, major routes and landfall ports, with useful website links throughout. There are completely new sections on rallies, coral atolls and atoll navigation, the cyclone season and laying up, use of electronic charts, satellite phones versus HF radio, ongoing maintenance, and Pacific festivals.

Completely updated, expanded and refreshed for the new generation of Pacific cruisers, this is the definitive reference, relied upon by many thousands.

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About the author

Kitty van Hagen is co-author of Yachting Monthly's highly acclaimed Classic Passages and author of The Sailing Cook Book (Collins) and The Happy Ship (Faber and Faber). She has also written various articles for Cruising World, Sail and Yachting Monthly magazines. In the past twenty years, Kitty has cruised the Pacific extensively with her husband, Simon.

The Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation was founded in 1976 with the objective of advancing 'the education of the public in the science and practice of navigation'. Its members write - and keep continually updated - pilot books covering many different parts of the world.

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