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Contender World Championship at Sønderborg Yacht Club - Overall

by Flemming Clausen 22 Jul 2017 06:48 BST 15-21 July 2017

Jason Beebe crowned World Champion - It's been emotional...

The forecasted light winds on day five proved correct with the Master's experience showing the youngsters how to sail in very fluky conditions. Jan von der Bank (M), jubilantly lead around the course to finish race 9 narrowly in front of GBR's Peter Noble (M) and Italian Antonio Lambertini. This confirmed von der Bank as winner of the Masters but which Australian would get the overall crown?

Both Beebe and Bulka had relatively poor results with 22nd and 12th respectively which were immediately discarded leaving Jason Beebe still on the top podium.

The Sønderborg Yacht Club race committee tried valiantly to get a final race 10 started but the winds were in the favour of Jason - abandoned and one very emotional Australian, who has been totally focussed all week, sighed with relief. The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron sailor, Jason Beebe, is now the 2017 Contender World Champion.

Classic Aussie banter, Mark Bulka reminded him "for only six months", as the 2018 Contender Worlds is moving to the southern hemisphere in January, hosted by McCrae Yacht Club, which is Mark's home club.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9Pts
1 AUS 2482Jason BEEBERQYS3221111‑19‑2211
2 AUS 2457Mark BULKA 2162224‑60‑1219
3 DEN 2352Jesper NIELSENASC ‑ DB441157‑34.5‑195844
4 GER 2507Jan von der BANK ‑ MWSCK1051255‑28‑10814152
5 ITA 59Davide FONTANAAVb5125138132‑46‑1958
6 ITA 384Marco FERRARI411777‑1715117‑33660
7 NED 9Paul VERHALLENWVDH8218719‑5662‑3171
8 GBR 2315Ben HOLDEN 1216.544323‑70‑902082.5
9 GER 2549Volker NIEDIEK ‑ MSLSV143‑211220413‑451884
10 GER 551Christoph HOMEIERSVGO‑108139911523‑741484
11 DEN 2471Jacob KRISTENSENHS15‑30319‑28191172599
12 GER 488Max BILLERBECKWSVK161011‑22181618‑2611100
13 GER 2527Dirk MÜLLERSKWB61415181317‑10822‑24105
14 GBR 2439Gary LANGDOWN ‑ MHighcliffe20‑382832‑34331713116
15 ITA 2561Antonio LAMBERTINIYCD30‑108243310710‑503117
16 NED 2582Rene HEYNENMaas en Roer‑341814‑27252114421117
17 GBR 720Graham SCOTT ‑ GMRYA‑28251824‑261082117123
18 GBR 2465Stuart JONES ‑ MDatchet Water SC2122102021‑4717‑2515126
19 GBR 2503Tim HOLDEN ‑ M 11232210122626‑51‑67130
20 AUS 2468Callum BURNS ‑ MBYS182425302395‑41‑35134
21 GER 11Andreas VOIGT 23152016171833‑52‑46142
22 AUS 2237Simon BARWOOD ‑ MRFBYC3729‑42‑108241221234150
23 AUS 2565John LINDHOLM ‑ MBlairgowrie YS32938642241‑67‑45152
24 GER 2510Jörg SCHLIENKAMPSCW2963286‑453932‑82152
25 NED 2544Dirk LAFLEURwsv de Zeevang333129‑37‑52252267153
26 AUS 2615Sam REID 3916.513113131‑7112‑60153.5
27 GER 1789Alexander GRÖHLICHSVG9331614143835‑53‑96159
28 GBR 2420Simon MUSSELLHighcliffe SC18‑108391562‑6463161
29 ITA 40Luca BONEZZICanottieri mincio mantova423726‑49‑4714121817166
30 GBR 2449Robert SMITH ‑ MCCSC25281725‑33272529‑32176
31 GER 416Frank RICHTER ‑ M 27‑69234027339‑7027186
32 GBR 2618Nick NOBLE ‑ M 241119211660‑108‑7738189
33 GER 14Christian MEIER‑KOTHEKYC17263145‑4684328‑59198
34 GBR 2572Ed PRESLEYCotswold SC2219342922‑543043‑58199
35 GER 2355David SCHAFFTDRS274327313929‑46‑5510206
36 GBR 2607Carl TAGOE ‑ M 1339‑10823303928‑5635207
37 GER 2390Gernot GOETZ ‑ MSCU4034‑4442‑1084024833221
38 AUS 2437Scott MUNRO 3835‑54‑503537452023233
39 GBR 678Tommy HOOTON ‑464637363862744‑68234
40 ITA 326Daniel CHIESACdv Erix1936‑50.544‑4841154247244
41 GER 9Kay‑Hendryk RETHMEIERSVMÜ36323035325129‑72‑73245
42 GBR 2383David DAVIES ‑ MLoch Ryan Sailing Club312747344020‑51‑5851250
43 GER 2612Joachim HARPPRECHT ‑ GM04548‑56‑56425031930255
44 DEN 2500Henning WERMUTH ‑ GMÅSK‑68‑10866465446161326267
45 GER 2366Lars KRUSEYCN414035‑108‑6036205837267
46 GBR 691Peter NOBLE ‑ M 58614152‑7134.536‑682284.5
47 GER 535Gerhard GÖTZSCU51‑7059‑108553249139286
48 GER 2365Gilbert BRIETZKESCLW50‑603939‑6243591154295
49 GER 8Sebastian VAGTSLRV55‑6658‑1084524505428314
50 GER 2392Andreas WIETINGWVH485145‑58‑10849443741315
51 GBR 2522Chris BOSHIER ‑ MThorpe Bay Yacht Club5642532829‑8052‑8161321
52 GBR 2347Martin JONES ‑ M 4920364161‑776948‑108324
53 NED 2Bart THORBORG ‑ M 35594347374855‑66‑65324
54 GER 322Jens KREESSKBUE5752405436‑63‑742462325
55 GBR 2407Richard BUTTNER ‑ GMRNSA / RYA545063435157‑7816‑66334
56 DEN 2611Thomas HERNØ ‑ MHellerup Sejlklub‑885857‑108595557349338
57 DEN 2526Lars Bo RASMUSSEN ‑ MRoskilde Sejlklub6745496044‑9056‑8030351
58 AUS 2501Stuart BROWNLYC60‑82722650533271‑87364
59 GER 400Malte RIESNERSegel‑ und Surf Club Kempen706762‑805730‑1081564365
60 GER 2553Daniel HÄRTELSCU‑9053‑76706862531052368
61 NED 1Rik THORBORG ‑ GM 52444838417572‑91‑102370
62 DEN 56Claus LITZINGERKaløvig baadlaug‑78496448646147‑10842375
63 GBR 712Rodger WHITE ‑ GM 645477‑86‑836640785384
64 GER 900Utz MÜLLER ‑ GMSSCK71‑9369677042‑1083141391
65 GER 529Matthias KÖRNIG ‑ JSVK44‑10833‑10810871343574399
66 SUI 92Jacqueline RUFENACHT ‑ F 6175‑9577‑8267423048400
67 GER 2212Philipp STOBBESVSS45‑108606853706362‑73421
68 NED 2370Marcel GROEN ‑8462747173‑8860.54736423.5
69 DEN 2532Frank HINSCHHS73556159496566‑87‑80428
70 DEN 2430Jacob KIILERICH HANSEN ‑ MAarhus Sejlklub‑8785465556816838‑108429
71 DEN 2426Søren Winther HANSEN ‑ GMÅS‑8376657675443761‑83434
72 GBR 2538John McLEAN ‑ GMBSS774168724369‑9066‑85436
73 AUS 2521Adam LINTON 4768‑108‑10810852384090443
74 GER 483Martin KAUFHOLDSSCK6256556465‑916776‑78445
75 GER 2213Moritz POLLEHNZSK7247‑83697664‑813781446
76 GER 435Andreas HOHNERYCRA59‑848078‑8883752756458
77 NED 2630Pim LANGENDIJK ‑ MNiederlande74787357‑108825839‑92461
78 AUS 2617Matthew TRIGLONE ‑ MMANLY SKIFF CLUB66577574‑797476‑8443465
79 BEL 1722Roel PEERLINCK 7671‑81‑817872547344468
80 GBR 2599Tony COOK ‑ GM 8165676158 86‑8850468
81 GER 2533Johanna GRANDT ‑ FHSC93‑968887‑1088560.5499471.5
82 NED 2637Cees de GRUIJTER ‑ MGWV De Vrijbuiter797370636369‑82‑8676493
83 DEN 2431Jeppe SØRNERSejlklubben Rødvig‑Stevns75725265668777‑93‑97494
84 GER 2459Kerstin SCHEPANSKI ‑ FCYC‑9887‑99939296653457524
85 ITA 1111Emilio BETTA ‑ GMLNI Riva del Garda6963.5‑108517758‑108108101527.5
86 DEN 2528Jesper AKSGLÆDEHellerup Sejlklub5363.594‑1088076‑10810854528.5
87 GER 448Thomas WASILEWSKISLRV8280717381‑898359‑99529
88 DEN 2286Thomas Nørregaard JENSENAarhus Sejlklub6381‑90837279‑1088371532
89 DEN 2613Ole Lahn STANGENBERG ‑ MRoskilde Sejlklub9288‑9379‑10859488387536
90 GER 2660Patrick EHINGERYCRA8677828267‑927969‑93542
91 GER 499Jürgen von KAMPEN ‑ MSSCK657479757499‑108‑10878544
92 GER 2458Joerg GLAESCHER ‑ MCYC80798553‑108‑95927984552
93 DEN 2604Solvej TRAUTNER ‑ FAarhus Sejlklub858378848584‑10863‑99562
94 GER 2504Joachim SCHRAMM ‑ MNFBS‑W‑91908462698685‑9288564
95 DEN 2215Carl Johan JENSEN ‑ MAarhus89868985‑91‑94848555573
96 ITA 2559Andrea de MANZINI ‑ GM ‑108‑10850.5661087373108108586.5
97 NED 2506Pieter HILKEMEIJERGWV De Vrijbuiter1009292‑108‑10893648969599
98 GER 24Peter SCHAFFT ‑ JDRS‑1089797‑10810878807591626
99 GER 387Fenja MAIWALD ‑ FBSV9495879087‑10896‑10881630
100 DEN 213Frederikke MIKKELSEN ‑ FHellerup Sejlklub9794988889‑10895‑10870631
101 GER 515Sven GIERTH ‑ MCYC99‑100869284‑101879895641
102 GER 443Jens‑Uwe HERRMANNPSV9689‑1019186‑98939789641
103 DEN 1460Torben BJØRNHOLTAarhus Sejlklub95999689‑1081009096‑104665
104 SUI 2601Uwe HOFFMANN ‑ MSCH101911009490‑10897‑10895668
105 GER 2298Irmtraud SCHRAMM ‑ FNFBS‑W‑10298‑1029593979195101670
106 GBR 718Stephen EMBY ‑ M ‑108‑10891108108108899575674
107 ITA 19Bruno Antonio ORFINOAVAL‑CDV‑108‑108108108108108108108108756

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