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Chichester Yacht Club Snowflake Series - Day 2

by Mark Green 6 Feb 2018 06:45 GMT 4 February 2018
Chichester Yacht Club Snowflake Series day 2 © Chichester Yacht Club

With the grey month of January thankfully behind us, the first snowflake in February took place on a beautiful bright, sunny, cold and windy day. Perfect weather for the 40 boats and their hardy winter sailors.

The racing was delayed by the high pressure which held up the arrival of the tide to CYC's lake. When the water eventually filled in, the Wind from the North East allowed race officer Martin Orton to set a figure eight course with a long beat from Birdham to beyond Coperas and wing marks making for exciting downwind reaching race.

When the first race started, the slight port bias to the line saw a couple of boats overshoot the pin end and have to double back before getting underway. During the first lap, the gusty wind caused a number of capsizes and led to some early retirements.

In the Fast fleet the Merlins, RS400s and Fireballs appeared to make easy going of the conditions. Ben and Roz McGrane from Netley SC extended their lead in the series with two first places, followed by Andrew Dalby and Gareth Porkins who finished second in both races.

In the Medium fleet, Steve Cockerill demonstrated how to get the Aero 7 planing downwind, sailing with very little of the boat touching the water. Steve finished the day with two first places to extend his 100% record in the series. In the first race Ian and Sarah Yardley from Silver Wing SC kept up with Steve in the early stages of the race, but finished second by a minute after the results were corrected. In the Second race Mark Riddington claimed second place. The three 2000's had a fascinating race, with Jonathan Townsend and Barbara Langford sailing very quickly with a reefed mainsail, They managed to keep ahead of the other two boats for two of the three laps but were overhauled by Ian and Sarah Yardley on the final lap.

The Slow fleet started with 10 boats, but by the second race the fleet was down to four, a Mirror, a Topper, a Laser 4.7 and a Quba. The Mirror sailed by Alice and Richard Bullock from Itchenor SC took first place in both races, followed by Alfie Lester in the first race and Alice Serna in the second. Alice in the Topper, Owen Rowlands in the Laser 4.7 and Alex Cray with Ellie Cawley sailing in the RS Quba were all justifiably pleased to complete the course in the challenging conditions.

The Next snowflake is on Sunday 18th February with the entry desk open from 9:30 and the first race due to start at 11:30, details available from

Results after Day 2:

PosClassSail NoHelmCrewClubPYR1R2R3R4Pts
Fast Fleet
1stMERLIN‑ROCKET3739Ben McGraneRoz McGraneNetley SC981(OCS [11])1113
2ndMERLIN‑ROCKET3726Will HendersonMary HendersonItchenor SC98112‑636
3rdMERLIN‑ROCKET3766Andrew DalbyGareth PorkinsTVSC/HSC9816‑92210
4thRS 4001062Simon TownsendEve TownsendEmsworth SC942235‑610
5thSCORPION2022James GardnerAnne GardnerHISC1040777(DNF [9])21
6thRS 600916Tony Purser Chichester YC920Duty [7.5]Duty [7.5]‑8722
7thMERLIN‑ROCKET3696Alex WarrenWilliam CarrollShoreham Sailing Club98134(DNC [17])DNC [17]24
8thFIREBALL15112David SayceFiona SayceHISC959(DNC [17])DNC [17]3525
9thMERLIN‑ROCKET3707Alex JacksonWill CarollShoreham SC981(DNC [17])DNC [17]4425
10thBLAZE773Ross Fisher Felpham Sailing Club102345(DNC [17])DNC [17]26
11thMERLIN‑ROCKET3776Nick CraigEmma ClarkeFrensham SC98156(DNC [17])DNC [17]28
12thRS 4001333Rob CorfieldTom DobbsDell Quay SC/CYC94288(DNC [17])DNC [17]33
13thKESTREL1550John MillsCarolyn MillsShoreham Sailing Club1035910(DNC [17])DNC [17]36
14thCANOE INTERNATIONAL WITH KITE296Phil Allen Chichester YC866Duty [11]Duty [11](DNC [17])DNC [17]39
15thRS 4001386Nick EllimanRoger EllimanChichester YC942(DNC [17])DNC [17]DNC [17]DNC [17]51
15thBLAZE782Peter Jones Felpham Sailing Club1023(DNC [17])DNC [17]DNC [17]DNC [17]51
Medium Fleet
1stRS AERO 72319Steve Cockerill Stokes Bay SC1071‑11113
2ndRS AERO 71819Mark Riddington Emsworth Slipper SC107122‑526
3rd20002204Iain YardleySarah YardleySilver Wing Sailing Club11073‑4238
4thLASER RADIAL196664Bruce Grant Itchenor SC1139‑2094619
5thLASER213476Anna Perkins Bosham SC10975‑86819
6th200021731Micheal OlliffPaula OlliffChichester YC1107(Duty [7])Duty [7]7721
7thSOLO4999Alex Butler HISC114314‑1710933
8thLASER204680Liam Vass Felpham Sailing Club109712‑16151138
9thSUPERNOVA1080James Gerwat Felpham Sailing Club1075151019(DNC [43])44
10thSOLO4942Roger Millett Chichester YC114319‑20131244
11thLASER210914Craig Williamson HISC1097(DNC [43])DNC [43]3551
12thRS AERO 72320Sarah Cockerill Stokes Bay SC107173(DNC [43])DNC [43]53
13thRS AERO 71562Toby Schofield Felpham Sailing Club107185(DNC [43])DNC [43]56
14thLASER172762Luke South Stokes Bay/Emsworth SC109767(DNC [43])DNC [43]56
15thSOLO5691Guy Mayger Felpham Sailing Club1143411(DNC [43])DNC [43]58
16thLASER152812Callum Aldous Felpham Sailing Club109722‑2316DNF [21]59
17thRS AERO 71060Mike Linney Chichester YC107121‑2218DNF [21]60
18th200021431Jonathan TownsendBarbara LangfordEmsworth SC1107(DNC [43])DNC [43]14461
19thSOLO5705Lawrence Creaser HISC1143136(DNC [43])DNC [43]62
20thSOLO4419Ian Brooks Trearddur Bay S C1143(DNC [43])DNC [43]111064
21stEUROPE355Lucy Boreham Chichester YC1145915(DNC [43])DNC [43]67
22ndLASER166393Mark Aldous Felpham Sailing Club109723‑25DNF [23]DNS [21]67
23rdGP 1414193Nick ColbourneBiddy ColbourneChichester YC113310.514(DNC [43])DNC [43]67.5
24thSOLO4925Oliver Reynolds Chichester YC1143(DNC [43])DNC [43]121368
25thLASER RADIAL209980Charlie South Stokes Bay/Emsworth SC113910.518(DNC [43])DNC [43]71.5
26thLASER198570David MacLean Itchenor SC1097(DNC [43])DNC [43]8DNS [21]72
27thSOLOTBCMartin Jones Dell Quay SC1143(DNC [43])DNC [43]9DNF [21]73
28thSOLO570Martin Frary Weston SC11431813(DNC [43])DNC [43]74
29thLASER186068Thomas Perry HISC1097(DNC [43])DNC [43]201477
30thSOLO5237Derek Jackman Chichester YC11431621(DNC [43])DNC [43]80
31st200021790Helen GreenMark GreenChichester YC11071724(DNC [43])DNC [43]84
32ndSOLO5352Mike Wilkie Desborough SC1143(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNF [23]DNS [21]87
33rdEUROPE393Geoff Newman Chichester YC1145Duty [24]Duty [26](DNC [43])DNC [43]93
33rdLASER203304Andrew Martin Chichester YC1097Duty [24]Duty [26](DNC [43])DNC [43]93
35thNATIONAL 123179Dave DobrijevicHugo DobrijevicHISC1064(DNC [43])12DNC [43]DNC [43]98
36thRS AERO 71455Tom Dobbs Chichester YC1071(DNC [43])DNC [43]17DNC [43]103
37thLASER166550Ian Payne Chichester YC1097(DNC [43])19DNC [43]DNC [43]105
38thLARK2265Martin GillamConnor GillamFelpham Sailing Club1070(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNC [43]DNC [43]129
38thTOPAZ VIBE6329Sam Atherton Felpham Sailing Club1185(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNC [43]DNC [43]129
38thLASER205919Justin Mepstead Felpham Sailing Club1097(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNC [43]DNC [43]129
38thSoloution431Tony Lord Felpham Sailing Club1087(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNC [43]DNC [43]129
38thRS VAREO487Mike Partridge HISC1085(DNC [43])DNC [43]DNC [43]DNC [43]129
Slow Fleet
1stMIRROR7079Alice BullockRichard BullockItchenor SC1383‑11113
2ndTOPPER47733Alfie Lester Felpham Sailing Club1347222(DNF [10])6
3rdTOPPER27925Alice Serna Felpham Sailing Club13473‑8328
4thLASER 4.7185220Owen Rowlands Felpham Sailing Club1200‑545312
5thTOPPER46789Thomas Lawson Chichester YC1347474(DNF [10])15
6thLASER 4.7181047Oliver Randall‑May Chichester YC1200637(DNF [10])16
7thRS QUBA151Alexander CrayEllie CawleyChichester YC1260(DNC [15])6DNF [11]421
8thTOPPER47792Thomas Machell Chichester YC1347(DNC [15])56DNF [10]21
9thTOPPER40384Dylan Collier Felpham Sailing Club13477.5108(DNC [15])25.5
10thOPTIMIST5466John Stokes Felpham Sailing Club166599(DNC [15])DNC [15]33
11thTOPPER48306Catherine McHale Chichester YC1347(DNC [15])DNC [15]9DNF [10]34
12thRS FEVA XLno numberLily SpeedAmberly Norrris‑WhartonChichester YC12407.512(DNC [15])DNC [15]34.5
13thLASER 4.7158296Dani McTernan Chichester YC1200(DNC [15])11DNC [15]DNC [15]41
14thTOPPER44777Joshua James Felpham Sailing Club1347DNF [11](DNC [15])DNC [15]DNC [15]41

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