Fever-Tree Moment at Lendy Cowes Week: Mjölnir in the Mix
by Louay Habib 6 Aug 2018 18:33 BST
4-11 August 2018

Ian Armstrong and Mark Sherwood enjoying Dark 'n Stormy made from Fever-Tree Ginger Beer and Westerhall's Rum © Louay Habib
Ian Armstrong and Mark Sherwood are racing on J/70 MJÖLNIR (Pronounced mill-nyer, meaning Thor's Hammer). Ian comes from Massachusetts, USA and Mark is from the West Country. Neither of them own the boat, it was kindly lent to them by Thor Askeland.
"We are old friends and its great to meet up at Lendy Cowes Week, and go sailing together. We also have my son on board who will be eight during the regatta, I guess he is probably the youngest crew here." commented Ian Armstrong. "It is has been a long time since I have been to Cowes Week, and the shoreside facilities are just amazing, especially the Fever-Tree Bar. We don't really have anything like this at regattas in the States. Fever-Tree serve great cocktails, and I really like the concept of a premium mixer. After a hot day racing, it's a great place to mix with good old friends."
Ian Armstrong and Mark Sherwood chose a Dark 'n Stormy, made from Fever-Tree Ginger Beer and Westerhall's Rum.
Find out more at www.fever-tree.com or visit the Fever-Tree bar in the Cowes Yacht Haven during Lendy Cowes Week.