29th annual Point Richmond to Stockton Race at Stockton Sailing Club & Richmond Yacht Club
by J/Boats 31 May 2019 08:44 BST
1-2 June 2019
Delta Ditch Run © Delta Ditch Run
This year is the 29th annual Point Richmond to Stockton Race, also known infamously as the Delta Ditch Run. The course is from the starting area in San Francisco Bay, between the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and the Brothers Islands, to the finish line at the Stockton Sailing Club, a distance of approximately 65.0nm. The scheduled first warning is at 10:25 A.M. on Saturday.
There are a number of J/Teams that are participating in this fun-loving adventure, a truly awesome, crazy, over-the-top downwind blast going past buoys, islands, and sand bars in an endless chicane from start to finish. Those teams include Larry Levits J/105 Archimedes, Brian Mullens J/70 Orange You Glad, Mark Thomas & Peter Camerons J/70 Kangaroo jockey, Jack Vetters J/80 Pearl, and Andrew Bongiornos J/24 Sosega II.
More information on the Delta Ditch Run can be found here.