Still time to enter the RYA North East Youth Championships
by Paula Irish 21 Oct 2019 10:33 BST
2-3 November 2019

The RYA North East Youth Championships © Paul Hargreaves
The RYA North East Youth Championships takes place at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club over the weekend of 2-3 November - with Grimwith Reservoir full to the brim for some great racing and a warm welcome guaranteed complete with bonfire party and hot tub on the patio!
Youth sailors from across the region and beyond are being urged to sign up for the championships - also know as The Big One! - with two weeks to go and still time to enter.
There will be a scheduled eight-race series for Laser, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, RS Aero 5, 7 and 9, RS200, 29er and 420 sailors, over the age of 14 and under 22 on 31/12/19.
Typhoon and NeilPryde have come on board to sponsor the prizes and the timing coincides with the club's bonfire night social with food and fireworks.
Club treasurer Phil Whitehead has also confirmed there will be a hot tub on the patio from Friday evening until Sunday for sailors and parents to enjoy relaxing on shore.
The inaugural event in 2017 saw youth sailors travelling from as far afield as Scotland, Wales, the Midlands and the South coast and the RYA North East Regional Volunteer Team, which organises the event with Yorkshire Dales SC, hopes this year's championship will attract even more.
Club Training Principal and event lead Erica Caswell said: "We are really looking forward to hosting the 2019 North East Youth Championships at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club. We have a great team of Race Officers and a full reservoir so plenty of room for those blasting downwind legs!"
There is free camping for tents and motorhomes, with no need to book and arrivals welcome from 5pm on the Friday. Would-be competitors are invited to find out more and book their entry as soon as possible at: