Digging into the Finn Class archive
by Robert Deaves 3 May 2020 10:30 BST

Digging into the Finn Class archive © Finn Class
During this time of waiting and restrictions we have been digging deep into the Finn Class archives. These date back to the 1950s and contain thousands of prints and slides, and tens of thousands of digital images.
Many are being posted on the Finn Class Facebook page here with an engagement of more than 40,000 over the past few weeks. We know some of you are not on Facebook, so all the images are also being posted in a special gallery on the Finn class Flickr page here.
Some of these posts are included below along with some of the photos. If you recognise anyone head over to Facebook to tag and share.
Enjoy these snippets and don't forget to follow the Facebook page for further updates in the coming weeks, while those of us still in lockdown wait to get back onto the water.