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Next two winners revealed in ilovesailing calendar competition

by Emma Slater 2 Jul 2020 14:04 BST
ilovesailing June winner 1 - Steve Billington - The Wallasey Seabirds on Parade © Steve Billington

Stewart Johnson from Havant and Stephen Billington from Wallasey, Wirral have been crowned winners seven and eight in the 2020 ilovesailing calendar competition.

Chosen from amongst 40 fantastic photos submitted throughout June, Stewart and Stephen have now secured their place on the 2021 calendar, along with a host of other great prizes including:

  • Two tickets to the Southampton International Boat Show for the official prize-giving
  • Afternoon tea at the Holiday Inn for them and three guests following the prize-giving
  • Canvas print of their winning entry
  • A copy of the final printed calendar
  • A selection of RYA goodies
  • And this years 'gold' ilovesailing rubber duck

Speaking of his winning entry entitled, 'The Wallasey Seabirds on Parade' Stephen commented: "I am extremely pleased to have my picture chosen for the 2021 RYA ilovesailing Calendar, partially as this shot had been a long time coming (6 years).

You can't get all these to do what you want at the best of times, so it's that moment you have to catch, seconds before and after are completely different.

"The picture was taken from the sandbanks off New Brighton beach, Wirral where Wallasey Seabirds sail at low tide, during the June 2018 Wallasey Yacht club Annual Regatta, Wallasey's Seabird Half Raters race. You don't normally get 16 Raters out in normal races but the regatta brings everyone out so it makes this shot even more unusual and special."

Stephen went to explain the patience required to get the shot: "I've been taking pictures since around 2012 either on the safety rib/launch when possible or from the banks for Wallasey Yacht club. They sail wooden Seabird Half Raters on the River Mersey and out into the Irish Sea. I get the opportunity to get some great shots but, there are some pictures you envisage would look good, but unless you can orchestrate all these boats, while in the heat of their battling, it's not going to happen.

"You have to wait until that moment comes along and capture it. Taking pictures, I love it, especially when I can give people (i.e. the club members) the pleasure that this picture has brought. It makes it all worthwhile."

Our second June winner, Stewart, tells us more about his winning shot, 'Safety in Numbers': "Obviously I am delighted to have won a place in the 2021 calendar. I have always had a camera close to hand since being a teenager, but sailing is tough - running a Junior session and taking photos of it rarely works without affecting one or the other. So glad in this case it came together! I have been running the Junior Section at Langstone Sailing Club for the last couple of years and being able to share a passion both on the water and then off it through the photos makes for a double-pleasure!

"The photo was taken from a safety boat during a Junior session at Langstone Sailing Club in Langstone Harbour (spring last year - social distancing would have ruined the shot this year!). We have access to both Chichester and Langstone Harbours - Chichester Harbour is bustling, Langstone can be really quiet as it was on this day. The session goal was sailing in proximity with other boats - which really suited the ominous weather (lightning tracking app on my phone was being watched closely...). I had left my SLR at home so this is a mobile phone shot taken from the RIB, which goes to show you don't need super equipment to get a good result - although a bit of cropping and tweaking on the computer afterwards always helps!"

The ilovesailing calendar competition, now in its eighth year, gives amateur and professional photographers the perfect place showcase their favourite sailing photos. From dinghy cruising to yacht racing, family days out to regattas, sunsets to sunrises, whatever kind of sailing you love or wherever you love to do it, capture the moment on camera and you could win a spot on the 2021 calendar.

Taking part is easy. All you have to do is post your favourite sailing photo(s) on to the ilovesailing Facebook page or email your entry to, it's as simple as that. Winners will be notified via Facebook and/or email.

Entrants can supply multiple images and can enter in more than one month. All images need to be high resolution and in landscape in order to fit on the calendar. By submitting a photograph, entrants agree that their images may be used for marketing and promotional purposes. If selected, entrants will be asked to confirm they have permission to share the photo from any individuals visible in the photograph. Full terms and conditions available at Facebook page click on 'About'.

Two winners will be picked each month between March and July to represent a different month on the 2021 calendar, with the final two spots being selected in August from all the other entries made between March and July.

The 2021 calendars will go on sale at the 2020 Southampton International Boat Show, where the first 50 people to purchase a copy will also receive a FREE 2020 gold ilovesailing rubber duck. Alternatively the calendars will also be available to purchase via the RYA web shop in September.

As well as the calendar competition the ilovesailing page runs its very popular weekly caption competition, giving you a chance to share your funny, clever and witty captions in a bid to win an ilovesailing duck.

Come along to the Facebook page and get involved.

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