COVID-19 Update - A message from CYCA Commodore Paul Billingham
by Cruising Yacht Club of Australia 29 Jul 2020 08:07 BST

Cruising Yacht Club of Australia Clubhouse in Darling Point © Cruising Yacht Club of Australia
Last night NSW Health issued a notice relating to the Potts Point COVID-19 outbreak which includes the CYCA. Click here to view the notice.
The notice mentions certain times where attendees of the CYCA need to be especially cautious and if they show symptoms, seek testing.
This is exactly the same as the CYCA advice in terms of actions however, our advice is broader than that and relates to any person who has attended the Club and has symptoms. This is simply because until we have the results of the testing of all of our people and NSW Health have completed their investigation, we do not know if there is any transmission in the Club.
I would feel terrible if a person developed symptoms but because they hadn't been at the Club at the NSW Health stated times, dismissed them and didn't get tested.
As sailors, we are used to taking extra precautions to protect ourselves and our crewmates while at sea - this is what we are doing on land here at the Club. Our case officer at NSW Health agrees with our cautious approach.
Once we are more confident of the position, further advice will be issued.
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