Goolugatup Sailing Carnival at South of Perth Yacht Club, Western Australia - Overall
by Vikki Baldwin 16 Jan 2021 07:22 GMT

Wadumbah indigenous dance troupe at the Goolugatup Sailing Carnival closing ceremony © Bernie Kaaks
Guests at the closing ceremony of the inaugural Goolugatup Sailing Carnival were treated to a performance by members from the Wadumbah indigenous Dance troupe. The internationally renowned dance troupe impressed the crowd with a mix of traditional music, storytelling, and dance moves.
The performance signalled the end of 11 days of competition where 162 boats competed. Sailors represented 13 different fleets. Two state championships were decided, and 4 Youth championships were contested.
Competitors came from around the state and included members from Australia's 2021 Olympic sailing team, Matt Wearn, Mara Stransky, Nia Jerwood, and Monique De Vries.
World champions, Michael Compton, Axel Fleet, Kieran Bucktin and Nick Jerwood also competed in the Laser and Flying Fifteen competitions.
Special guest competitors included a member from the Belgium 2021 Olympic sailing team Emma Plasschaert who had been in Western Australian training with her fiancé and Australian Olympic rep. Matt Wearn.
Carnival organiser and Rear Commodore Steve Grover said that the competition had been a huge success. "The feedback we have been getting from competitors has been really positive". "Many of them are keen to have the carnival run again" he said.
"We've usually got a packed sailing calendar each year so we'll need to look at when we can run the event again" he said.
Principle sponsor of the carnival The Ron Tough Yachting Foundation have also expressed an interest in supporting this event in the future.
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