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2023 AUS O'pen Skiff Championship at South of Perth Yacht Club

by Bevan McKavanagh 15 Jan 2023 15:16 GMT 10-13 January 2023
2023 AUS O'pen Skiff Championship © AUS O'pen Skiff Association

Wow, what a week we've had at South of Perth YC for the 2023 AUS O'pen Skiff Champs. After missing out on hosting the 2021 AUS Championships thanks to Covid, the fleet finally made it to Perth for the Nationals 10 years after WA last hosted the Championships at Royal Freshwater Bay YC. Let's just say it was worth the wait!

South of Perth YC (SoYPC) really turned it on for us. Organising committee chair Ed Armstrong and his team put their heart and soul into what most would say, was the best Nationals ever. A few of Ed's key team members included SoPYC local and renown Race Office Les Swinton, super experienced ex-America's Cup umpire and judge David Tallis, SoPYC Head Coach, Denis Jones and a long list of other, local volunteers. A very experienced team coupled with an amazing location and facilities overlooking the city of Perth made it a fantastic regatta.

With Gold Fleet, the most experienced, consisting of 38 sailors, Silver Fleet the intermediate sailors with 24 sailors and Green Fleet the novice sailors with 6, we had a total of 68 boats on the water over the 5-day Championships. A solid representation of 12 sailors from the Eastern states including QLD, NSW, VIC and Tas, along with 3 sailors from New Zealand, 1 from Thailand and 1 from India.

The regatta kicked off with 2 days of coaching which allowed the sailors to acclimatize to what was generally a winder location for the visiting sailors. Head coach from SoPYC Denis Jones and his team did a superb job, allowing sailors to acquire new skills and acclimatize before the racing started.

Day one started with the Invitation Race, a non-point score race to allow sailors to see where they were amongst the big fleet. They then came ashore and locked in their final fleet selection, whether it be Gold, Silver or Green. The afternoon continued with 2 races, both counting towards the championship.

Day Two was a big day, 3 races in the morning, following by 3 after lunch. The generally lighter morning conditions, with the stronger sea breeze in the afternoon ensured a mix of conditions. Day 2 put the Championships in a good position, only 2 days in and already 8 races in the bag.

Day Three, we managed a light wind point score race in the morning, followed by an O'pen Skiff speciality event, a 2-up Adventure race, a non-point scoring race with some great prizes. The adventure races give the sailors a super fun race without the pressure of having to perform. To make up the 2-person teams, we match the top-ranking sailor from the invitation race with the bottom ranking sailor and work our way to the middle of the fleet. This provides an opportunity for the better sailors to pass on some knowledge to the more novice sailors and encourages them to mix and meet other sailors.

Day Four was going to be windy! Sailors were on the water by 10am and it was already blowing 15 knots. With 12 races done the plan was for another 2 to make 14 which would allow for 3 drops so only 2 races were done on the last day.

The Western Australian sailors dominated in the generally windy conditions, with local RRBYC sailor Brenn Armstrong well out in front to take the overall title. Special mention should go to Kasion Puls, a young sailor currently residing on Christmas Island that was the top U12 sailor and one to watch for the future. The hard luck story goes to Hudson Armstrong (no relation to Brenn Hudson) who had a broken rudder take him out of race 5, followed by a broken rudder pintail that took him out of Race 10. If it wasn't for such bad luck, Hudson would have been on the podium.

It really was a fantastic event, a great mix of superb organisation, impressive high-level racing with a relaxed easy-going vibe. It was so great to see the sailors making new friends and connecting with old. It's been 10 years since Western Australia has hosted an Australian O'pen Skiff Championships, let's make sure it's not another 10 before they host another.

The Australian O'pen Skiff would like to say a very special thank you to South of Perth YC and in particular event director Ed Armstrong for the effort that went into the 2023 AUS O'pen Skiff Champs.

Overall Results:

PosHelmBoat NameSail NoStateClubCatR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12R13R14Pts
1BRENN ARMSTRONG2Disbicable12624WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 1521581315‑16‑142‑101231
2ADDISON NEWLANAfterburner12623QLDSouthport YCUnder 15 Female‑15‑1811‑13941103722343
3BINDY VITALES‑JONESBen12638WARFBYC & SOPYCUnder 15 Female3‑1525812‑155685‑12146
4HUDSON ARMSTRONGWananavu12579WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 1543‑136‑387322‑39634646
5PIA HOOPERSmelly Sardines12581WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 15 Female‑17582347‑143‑34593453
6FLYNN WALFORDBIG BIC12641WASouth of Perth YCUnder 1574‑19742‑16312‑13419962
7EWAN BRAZLETartaruga12504 Manly SCUnder 156‑219458‑118121166‑1266
8RUSSELL HARRISOverdrive Jnr12547QLDWhitsunday SCUnder 151610‑22758974911‑17‑1377
9NOAH KARANTONISSea You Later12631WASoPYC/JBSCUnder 1512233‑196‑18413710‑1571077
10KAISON PULSIsland Time12506WASouth of Perth YCUnder 12‑14106109‑20613OCS11711579
11ATLAS MILLERVan Demon12634TASKingston Beach SCUnder 1557‑17‑18101156811‑1681416101
12ALICIA VAN DURENVanishing Point11373WASouth of Perth YCUnder 15 Female10911‑16612‑157‑258141457103
13ANANDI CHANDAVARKARBIC12535 RBYC MumbaiUnder 15 Female9‑2322112131017‑27531210‑23114
14FINLEY SYMONDSFins Toy12525WAMBSC/FSCUnder 15811151511‑199‑2499‑1913168124
15CORRADO DORRINGTONBarracuda12584VICMordialloc SC/ Torquay SCUnder 15DNF131491218‑2216OCS18224818152
16FINN VAN DURENBullfrog11898WASouth of Perth YCUnder 1220820201716‑2311OCS1612‑251511166
17SAMUEL DALTONSam I am12640NSWMannering Park ASCUnder 151630‑36DNCDNC10201061018171917173
18CONNOR HARRISHey hey12549QLDWhitsunday SCUnder 1523DNF‑2524‑3417131941515211319183
19TOM HUGHESGT12582NSWIllawarra YCUnder 151316181318‑2221‑3214191716‑2822187
20REBECCA BESTChrysalis12546WARFBYC and RPYCUnder 15 Female25222119‑262319‑26111213‑271815198
21OCEANA OAKLEYAerobic11147WAPDSC SoPYC RFBYCUnder 15 Female1117231416‑24‑28211817‑29242314198
22ZOE WEBBLittle BIC Psycho 212613NSWBelmont 16ft SSCUnder 17 Female‑34‑3171714212512172320‑302025201
23TOBY MCKAVANAGHBICtory12532NSWManly YCUnder 1527201612‑30141218‑30222422‑30.520207
24DARCY BRINKMANN‑GRAYMr Percival10960WARoyal freshwater Bay YCUnder 15‑30124‑29202614221520‑31232729212
25EMMA WEBBUsain Bic12619NSWBelmont 16ft SSCUnder 15 Female‑31‑2612‑2715152423202526182421223
26HUGH HEALYHUGH GO11897WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 152414‑31282128DNC20DNF2721282226259
27LIA RAFARTPAC‑MAN8054WARFBYC / FSCUnder 15 Female192427‑3122‑32292724‑3125312924281
28LUCAS CUNNINGHAMOlymBIC12597WAMBSC/FSCUnder 15223324‑3628‑3531‑352621302030.527292.5
29NOAH TILLERThe Wind Cries Mary12557WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 15‑3227‑38233131173023322326‑3431294
30LUKE CARRICKLucky12497WASouth of Perth YCUnder 17282926262925‑332921‑33321932‑33296
31ZAC DUNCANSONRipsnorter12636 Phuket YCUnder 17261932‑34322726252924‑3432‑3734306
32WOJTEK TARASEWICZCerberus69420WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 12212533302533‑34‑36323028‑342128306
33EVAN COLLINSCan't Touch This10897WASouth of Perth YCUnder 1518322832‑36293228DNF28272925‑36308
34CHARLIE VAN DER STRUYFMy Space10948WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 153328292124303033DNF29‑3636‑3832325
35EMMA TALLISBob The BiC12585NSWManly YCUnder 15 Female29‑3530252334DNSDNC282633353330326
36SARAH ATKINSONBanging the corners12524WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 15 Female‑3734353333‑3627312236‑37332635345
37AMEILIA TRACEYHawkmoth12628QLDTinaroo SCUnder 15 Female35‑37‑37‑3735373534193535373537374
38JAMIE LIPPIATTKookaburra12603WARoyal Freshwater Bay YCUnder 15363634352738DNCDNC3137DNCDNC3638387

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