Women's Open Keelboat Championship 2021 teams up with RYA/British Keelboat League
by The WOKC Team 2 Apr 2021 07:05 BST
5-6 June 2021

Women's Open Keelboat Championship © B. Malas
The Women's Open Keelboat Championship will be returning to Hamble for its 12th edition in June 2021. After sadly having to cancel the 2020 edition of the event we can't wait to see lots of boats on the startline of WOKC 2021. The 2021 event will take place on the 5th-6th June out of the Royal Southern Yacht Club.
We are very excited to announce that alongside our IRC classes, we have teamed up with the RYA to join the event with the British Keelboat League. This will give more opportunities to women who would like to compete at the event. For the first time teams will be able to enter the event and race in a competitive fleet without having to find a boat to use. Teams of 4 women can enter and compete in the event without having to find a boat to use/charter opening up the event to sailors who don't have access to a keelboat. Further to that the winners of the RS21/BKL fleet will qualify to the British Keelboat League Final.
In addition to this we have also increased the upper limit of the IRC rating band to 1.150. This is to include all Performance 40's and the new, exciting Cape 31 class should these boats wish to enter. We were able to do this as there will now be 2 separate race courses, one for the RS21's and the other for the IRC fleet.
"We're very excited to be joining forces with the British Keelboat League, it's such a great way to get more sailors out on the water. It means we can open the event to more women from all over the country, allowing those who do not have access to yachts to enter the event. We are extremely grateful to Dubarry for their continued support and Royal Southern Yacht Club who are helping us to grow the event." said Tor Tomlinson, Event Organiser.
"It is great that we are able to bring a British Keelboat League Qualifier to the Women's Open Keelboat Championship this year. The WOKC is a great opportunity for talented sailors to get together and compete against their peers but it can be hard for those not already in the loop to get involved. By adding the BKL to the event we hope to see many more sailors get involved and hopefully they can make connections to do more yacht and keelboat racing in the future. I am really looking forward to this years racing.". said Jack Fenwick, RYA Keelboat Development Manager.
Entries open for IRC at the beginning of April and with early bird entry of £80, available until 7th May.
After that date, the entry fee will increase to £100. Entries will be open on the Royal Southern website, www.royal-southern.co.uk/calendar/events/event/10238
Entries for BKL/RS21 racing is £330 per team. This includes entry, coaching and boat charter, www.britishkeelboatleague.co.uk/events-2021
If you would like further details, please contact the WOKC organising team on , check out www.womensopenkeelboatchampionships.co.uk and social media,
www.facebook.com/WOKChamp and www.instagram.com/womensopenkeelboatchamps