Port of Plymouth Sailing Association Thursday Evening Dinghy Series - Day 1
by Keith Davies 19 Apr 2021 05:29 BST
15 April 2021
Thursday evening on the 15th of April saw the start of a new dinghy summer evening series hosted by the Royal Western for all Port of Plymouth sailing clubs.
Jerry Lock was the evening's race officer accompanied by his wife Bryony and the ever dependable David Taylor onboard Fulmar the committee boat. Light winds allowed for the completion of two windward leeward races back to back in the area around Dunstone, all while dodging the two commercial shipping movements. Seven boats turned out for the first in this series which included a Merlin Rocket, Enterprise, Formula 18 and a couple of other single handers amongst others.
Andy Sinclair had a successful evening scoring two wins followed closely by Dan Heaton in his newly acquired Merlin Rocket. Adam Watson recovered from a 5th in the first race to score a 3rd in the second.
Entry fees have been kept low for this series and under 16 helms can race for free. A big thanks to all who helped.