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Loch Long Week 2021 at Aldeburgh Yacht Club

by Ollie Kmieck 28 Jul 2021 16:48 BST 22-26 July 2021
Windy conditions during Loch Long Week 2021 © Robert Mulcahy

The National Championship of the 21ft Loch Long One Design Class was to be made up of 5 days of competitive racing on the River Alde in Suffolk. Four boats made the journey down from the Clyde in Scotland to join the majority of the fleet already residing in Aldeburgh for Loch Long Week 2021.

Mixed weather was forecast from days with little or no wind to at least one day with testing gusts around 30 knots. With Aldeburgh being on the coast, sailors hoped the lighter days would fill in with sea breezes to fill spinnakers and to be able to fight against the tides. 25 boats entered the Championship with 10 races scheduled. The first two days saw lighter, shifty winds make for a challenging start to the event. Clear wind and correct reading of the river tides (going on the mud is very slow!) would allow some to creep away and get some early high positions on the results board.

The third day of racing was testing in another way, with strong winds, yet unperturbed the majority of boats took to the start line. Wind against tide allowed crews the full sailing experience as waves crashed over boats whilst rigging was put through its paces. The final two days of racing saw the high winds pass and fair sea breezes allowed a fine ending to the event.

It was Tom Mehew in Akela 29 who established an early dominance on the water, even when sailing without a spinnaker, proving what fine boat control both Tom and Sarah have. With cups on offer for all individual races, it was delightful to see such a mix of winners across the fleet, including Jo Evans and Kirstie Robertson in Tantrum 139, Alan and Robbie DeVenny in Electra 109, Murray Caldwell and Joey Lyon in Dolphin 70, Robert Mulcahy and Julia Ransome in Fiona 141 and Ari Liddell and Adam Schwarz in Zimmer 25.

The overall honours went to Bruce and Clare Johnson in Hussar 110 after a fantastic week of consistent sailing, particularly upwind! Congratulations to all competitors with safe and fair racing throughout the competition and we look forward to next year’s Championship due to take place in Cove.

Overall Results:

PosBoat NameClassSail NoHelmCrewR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
1stHussarwith spinnaker110Bruce JohnsonClare Johnson2‑5241‑12334423
2ndFionawith spinnaker141Robert MulcahyJulia Ransome384‑102314‑10126
3rdElectrawith spinnaker109Alan DeVennyRobbie DeVenny/Leeanne DeVenny77‑121325‑91228
4thDolphinwith spinnaker92)Murray CaldwellJoey Lyon44‑9241‑656329
5thCapricornwith spinnaker66Alan HarperRachel Harper(DSQ)2685‑13722739
6thTantrumwith spinnaker139Jonathan "Binnie" EvansKirstie Robertson5175‑98‑985645
7thZimmerwith spinnaker25Ari LiddellAlex Schwarz/Adam Schwartz(DNC)(DNC)537141513553
8thSkyeno spinnaker142George HillPatrick Hill‑11103‑1310721071160
9thFaolagwith spinnaker36Ian GiffordNigel12151378614‑19‑16883
10thElizabethwith spinnaker33John McNeilageArlene McNeilage‑186111412‑15814121087
11thCirceno spinnaker82David Sprake 1014‑169154121113(DNC)88
12thAkelawith spinnaker29Thomas MehewSarah Mehew/Nick Black13166(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC92
13thEdenwith spinnaker138Charles MacdowellTom Robertson/Liz Macdowell911(DSQ)11(OCS)1113218993
14thTryano spinnaker55Ollie KmiecikJule Liddell6‑191712(OCS)171013111298
15thMegwith spinnaker126Chris MayhewNicola Mayhew89(DNC)(DNC)DNC94179BFD104
16thWildkano spinnaker95Chris SemkenDavid Trower1412101713(DNC)(DNC)71417104
17thJeanwith spinnaker40Nick RussellLizzie Clark‑191614181116171515(BFD)122
18thMermaidno spinnaker131Paul AntcliffeCatriona McMurtie16‑211515‑201018161914123
19thRebelno spinnaker134Stephen FletcherRupert West/BIll Mayne21‑2221‑2218511182213129
20thFlightno spinnaker3David KeatesPaul Davis/Guy Pantall(DSQ)181819‑211816121816135
21stDoodieno spinnaker133Peter RedshawJanette Redshaw132481617(DNC)(DNC)222115136
22ndGreen Gingerwith spinnaker63Ian CookZoe17132020141919(DNC)(DNC)20142
23rdIonano spinnaker121James PowellStephanie Powell2023192319(DNC)(DNC)61719146
24thFinolano spinnaker23Gill LeatesLeanda Hoylandl‑Lynch/David Copp/Robert Sharman(DSQ)20222116(DNC)DNC202018162
25thFingalno spinnaker103Jonathan Chadd/Hilary Lightfoot 1517(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC182

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