Musto Skiff class launches 2021 Annual Survey
by IMSCA 17 Dec 2021 20:18 GMT
Hyde Sails - GBR © Tim Olin /
The 2021 Musto Skiff Class Association (MSCA) Annual Survey is now open, and the class association is inviting all its members, Musto Skiff boat owners, and the wider sailing community to take part.
This is the 18th annual survey for the international class, with each survey designed to help the class association to gather views and feedback on Musto Skiff events and activities. The survey also includes a section dedicated to class association members only, which acts as an International AGM for the election of committee members, in addition to gathering additional feedback and votes on important class matters.
Included in this year's AGM is the opportunity to vote on the proposed submission regarding RRS50.1(c) (trapeze harness), and a related safety measure regarding carrying a knife when racing.
For the continued improvement and growth of the class, the class association always welcomes the opinions of both its members and the wider sailing community. So, whether you own a Musto Skiff, or you are simply a sailor that is interested in the class, you are encouraged to participate and share what you want to see from the class in 2022.
The survey takes no more than 10 minutes to complete, and the key report highlights will be published in early 2022. All responses will be treated confidentially, and any data gathered from this survey will be reported only in the aggregate.
Please participate in the survey
The 2021 Annual Survey will close at 9pm (GMT) on Friday 21st January 2022.