SSYC Juniors present the 2022 Marine Weather 101 webinar series - March 2nd, 9th &16th
by South Shore Yacht Club 1 Mar 2022 19:59 GMT
March 2, 9 & 16, 2022
2022 Marine Weather 101 webinar Series © South Shore Yacht Club
The SSYC Juniors have teamed up with Mark Thornton, Race Meteorologist for the Bayview Mackinac Race since 2014, to bring the you the 2022 Marine Weather 101 webinar series.
The three part webinar series will take place March 2, 9 & 16, 2022, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Central). The cost is $65 ($50 for Juniors under 18). The sessions will be recorded and recordings will be available to participants until June 1st, 2022. Proceeds will benefit the SSYC Junior Sailing Foundation.
Whether you are a sailor or power boater, learning a few basic weather forecasting skills will improve the safety and comfort of your outings. Marine Weather 101 will teach you how to interpret weather maps, prepare a wind & wave forecast, and recognize the potential for thunderstorms. You will also learn where to find marine weather forecasts and how to use Doppler Weather radar to monitor thunderstorms. These skills will improve your trip planning and reduce the likelihood that you will be exposed to uncomfortable or hazardous weather conditions.
Don't worry if you can't attend one of the live sessions. Each session will be recorded and made available to all registered attendees until June 1, 2022.
Seminar Topics
March 2, 2022
- A few basic weather principles.
- How to decode the confusing symbols, color shading, and meteorological shorthand on weather forecast maps.
- The basics of weather forecasting apps.
March 9, 2022
- The forces controlling the wind and wind forecasting.
- Wave forecasting.
- Forecasting precipitation.
March 16, 2022
- How to use Doppler Weather Radar to assess the development, monitor the evolution, and track the movement of thunderstorms.
- How to forecast the potential and nature of severe weather.
- The thunderstorm life-cycle and the conditions that lead to their development.
- How to recognize the large and small-scale weather patterns that promote thunderstorm development.
Full event info and link to register at