North West Senior Traveller Series at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club
by Dave Woodhead 27 Apr 2022 18:46 BST
26 April 2022

North West Senior Travellers at Leigh & Lowton © Alan Jones
Tuesday, 26th April saw the return of the popular North West Senior Traveller Series for the over 50s. After no events in 2020 and only 3 events squeezed in last year when restrictions allowed, a full programme of 7 events are planned for 2022.
27 boats from north west clubs met at Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club for the first of the series. Sailors arrived to experience a nice bright day but alas with very little wind. Nevertheless 3 races were completed in drifting conditions, toe straps were not required. On some legs all points of sailing were experienced whilst sailing in a straight line. Heads out of the boat looking in all directions for the next puff of wind was the order of the day.
On occasions strategy might as well have been decided by a toss of a coin. Despite all this it was a thoroughly enjoyable day with much good humour and banter amongst the competitors. It was great to again meet up after the Covid restrictions and also to welcome several new faces to the series. A small Sailability race group also piggybacked onto the main event and were made most welcome.
Overall first place went to last years series winner Mark Platt Sailing a Supernova from Bolton S C. Second place went to another Supernova Bolton sailor, Tony Critchley and third to Paul Heath from the home club in a Laser.
First Master was Martin Brennan in a Solo from Hollingworth and the Grand Master was Dave Woodhead from Elton also in a Solo. Full results below.
The next event will be at Burwain SC on the 17th May. Full details of the series are available on the North West Dinghy Sailors Senior Traveller Series Facebook Group and the RYA North West website.