North West Senior Traveller Series at Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club
by Dave Woodhead 29 Jun 2022 16:09 BST
28 June 2022

North West Senior Travellers at Hollingworth Lake © Adam McGovern
The North West Senior Travellers series reached its mid point of the season with an event at Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club on Tuesday 28th June.
The three previous events this year had the misfortune to be blighted by very light winds which caused a reduction in the number of entries. This event also had a reduced entry but this time because of a very strong wind forecast. Nevertheless 12 boats made it to the start line for the first race including 3 Hansa dinghies piggy backing onto the event for their own sailability competition. Many regulars were missing especially in the Supernova fleet, with their Nationals only days away it was a question of avoiding boat damage given the forecast of gusts up to 30mph.
The weather took its toll and by the last race the main fleet was reduced to just 5 boats. The one travelling Supernova, sailed by Andy Flitcroft from Bolton S C revelled in the conditions despite not always keeping his mast pointing at the sky! Andy won the event with 2 firsts and a second. In second place place was the local Solo sailer Nick Hornsby with a first, second and a third. Ian Lees in a Laser radial took 3rd place whilst sporting a monstrous black eye, a result of of an incident with a boom only 2 days before on a day which he claimed was even windier! The top five were made up by the only other two boats to survive all 3 races, a Blaze sailed by Mark Cuthbert and a Merlin sailed by Les Bithell and Naz.
In the Hansa class Rory McKinna once again proved to be in a class of his own, easily asking all three races.
Although the strong gusty conditions proved very challenging, the day was particularly good for spectators! I particularly enjoyed the big gust bear away by Dave Southill and Michelle Raines in their Miracle when one of those super strong laminated tillers snapped clean in two! That could only end one way!
The next event is at Southport Sailing Club on the 19th July when it is hoped we might at last get some mid range winds and a resulting bumper entry.
Full details of the series are available on the RYA North West website and there are also Facebook and WhatsApp groups.