Wildwind and the Hobie 16 – Quite some story!
by Wildwind 14 May 2022 08:00 BST

Hobie 16 sailing at Vassiliki © Wildwind
It's no secret to anyone who has visited Wildwind at any time over the past thirty plus years that the Hobie 16 takes a certain pride of place on Vassiliki beach.
Back in 1987 Wildwind founder, Simon Morgan, decided to drive to this apparently windy beach on a relatively unknown corner of Greece and towed his own Hobie 16 behind his ubiquitous VW campervan - then after a month sailing in the bay decided to give up his 'real' job in London and create what has now become one, if not the, best sailing holiday centre in the world.
As anyone who has sailed the '16 knows you either love it or hate it. It will of course capsize sidewards, forward and backwards...BUT once the wind is up it gives the ride of a lifetime and is the boat of choice for joyrides and every season heads the board for the top speed recorded - despite it being a more than 50 year old design.
Wildwind hosted the first ever Hobie European championships in Greece back in 2001 and regularly supports Hobie cat class associations and championships - including this year the British Hobie Cat National Championships to be held in Poole Harbour over the May Bank holiday weekend.
Unfortunately Simon can't be at this event but he is in training with former Wildwind staff member and 420 World Champion Bryony Spieza (nee Bennett Lloyd) for the Great Grand Masters World Championships in Spain in September where he hopes to get a Wildwind team on the podium!
If you want to see a few of Simon's top tips for racing a Hobie 16 check out these videos:
Have a Hobie day
Simon, Joe and the entire Wildwind team