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Sunstorm Marine - Cup Holders - Sail

Grand Soleil Vintage Cup 2022: Great success for the first edition!

by Grand Soleil Yachts 29 Jun 2022 05:54 BST 18-19 June 2022

Grand Soleil Yachts, the historical made-in-Italy sailboat brand signed by Cantiere del Pardo, gathered for the first edition ever of Grand Soleil Vintage Cup: the shipyard's heritage models built during its 50 years of history took part in a friendly regatta on June 18th - 19th in Portopiccolo Sistiana.

This first edition of the sailing event dedicated to all Grand Soleil "Vintage" yachts was an unparalleled success for Cantiere del Pardo. Great enthusiasm from all owners and their crews filled this unforgettable two-day event. The GS Vintage Cup was dedicated to all Grand Soleil boats with construction design prior to the year 2000. This has also made it possible to admire the evolution of hull lines and design that opened international doors to the history of Italian sailing.

The event was framed by the beautiful location of Portopiccolo Sistiana, an ideal meeting point for Grand Soleil sailors and guests. Two beautiful days of sunshine and perfect breeze for sailing, together with evening parties and dinner on the terrace with music and DJ, in one of the most spectacular Italian locations.

Grand Soleil Vintage Cup was attended by 30 boats and more than 200 participants from the Adriatic Sea. All the historical models of the shipyard were present, from the legendary Grand Soleil 34 designed by Finot to the larger Grand Soleil 50 designed by Peterson and Grand Soleil 52 by German Frers.

The event began on June 17th with a welcome cocktail at Portopiccolo Yacht Club for finalizing boats' registrations. Saturday morning skipper briefing was held before the start of the regatta, while Sunday after the second day at sea rich prizes were given to participants and winners.

Special thanks to all the boat owners for taking part in great numbers and to our Grand Soleil team for making the event possible well beyond the expectations. Thanks to the direction and support of Stefano Quaggiotti and Roberto Cabrini the outcome of sailing experience was perfect. Congratulations to the owners and their crews who distinguished themselves by reaching top positions:

Category Overall White Sail:

  1. WALLY, Grand Soleil 43 of FAROSICH Marino
  2. ALTAIR, Grand Soleil 39 of MIONI Tommaso
  3. OCEAN LADY, Grand Soleil 45 of FAVARO Chiara

Division A (WS-A):

  1. WALLY, Grand Soleil 43 of FAROSICH Marino
  2. OCEAN LADY, Grand Soleil 45 of FAVARO Chiara
  3. DIECICENTOUNO, Grand Soleil 42 of FERRANTE Stefano

Division B (WS-B):

  1. ALTAIR, Grand Soleil 39 of MIONI Tommaso
  2. STARDUST, Grand Soleil 39 of CRIVELLARI Alessandro
  3. SUMMER WIND II, Grand Soleil 39 of BRUMAT Massimo

Division A (AS-A):

  1. TOCAI, Grand Soleil 46.3 of MARSEU Marco
  2. ELCA, Grand Soleil 50 of NAIBO Carlo
  3. BELLEROFONTE, Grand Soleil 42 of GUSTIN Walter

Division B (AS-B):

  1. PILLI III, Grand Soleil 39 of SANTI Piero
  2. TAHUATA, Grand Soleil 39 of TUTA Jasna
  3. ISOLARIA, Grand Soleil 39 of QUAGGIOTTI Stefano

Division C (AS-C):

  1. CHIARO DI LUNA 2, Grand Soleil 343 of RINALDI Fabio
  2. NUVOLA, Grand Soleil 343 of BARISON Fabio
  3. EAGLE, Grand Soleil 34 of FIOR Enrico

Overall All Sails

  1. TOCAI, Grand Soleil 46.3 of MARSEU Marco
  2. ELCA, Grand Soleil 50 of NAIBO Carlo
  3. BELLEROFONTE, Grand Soleil 42 of GUSTIN Walter