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Progressive Credit Union GP14 World Championship 2022 at Skerries Sailing Club - Day 3

by Andy Johnston 17 Aug 2022 10:39 BST 14-19 August 2022

After two days with no racing, day three arrived and the fleet knew they were in for a busy day. The fleet launched early off the sand in the harbour into a northerly breeze that picked up and settled at 15-20 knots for race 1. The wind direction also made for a very big sea which as they day went on being even more confused sea state. Considering the strong breeze, the gate starts were well behaved with few incidents across the day.

Matt Mee & Chis Robinson led Race 1 for most of the race, thought he had finished only to discover there was another leg to go. Reacting quickly, he recovered to take 4th behind event favorite Ian Dobson & Andy Tunnicliffe, Nick Craig & Toby Lewis and Ciaron Jones & Sam Platt. Best of the Irish boats was Colman Grimes & Ross Gingles in 5th with Niall Henry & Ossian Geraghty 6th and Hugh and Dan Gill in 9th. There were 20+ retirements in Race 1 as the freshening breeze started to take its toll on some of the younger and smaller crews.

Race 2 got away clean, with Mee & Robinson again leading at the weather mark closely followed by Ruan & Rebekkah O'Tiarnaigh. The downwind leg saw Neil Marsden & Derek Hill, Craig & Lewis along with Dobson & Tunnicliffe back in contention. The Irish contingent were there in numbers as well with Grimes & Gingles well to the fore along with Alan Blay & Hugh McNally, Ross Kearney & Andrew Vaughan and Ger Owens and Mel Morris also showing. With gusts now well over 20+ knots and the confused sea there were plenty of capsizes particularly around the gybe mark. Mee & Robinson held and extended their lead, with Dobson & Tunnicliffe and Craig & Lewis completing the top 3. the O'Tiarniagh held on for a great 4th ahead of former World Champions Marsden & Hill. Grimes & Gingles continued their great form with a 7th with Owens & Morris taking 8th. At this stage the sea state had worsened and with stronger gusts only 69 boats finished.

Race 3 again got under way and again it was Mee & Robinson who led to the weather mark ahead of Dobson & Tinnicliffe. Irish pair Grimes & Gingles, Marsden & Hill, Craig & Lewis and the O'Tiarnaigh were all again challenging. With a far smaller fleet still on the water, Dobson & Tunnicliffe came through to take victory ahead of Mee & Robinson and Craig & Lewis. Grimes & Gingle confirmed their palce as top Irish boat with a 4th with Henry & Geraghty in 7th. With only 49 finishers in race 3, the fleet headed ashore exhausted but the event now back on track.

Going into Day 4, with 2 races expected, Ian Dobson leads from Matt Mee & Derek Hill with Nick Craig & Toby Lewis 3rd. Colman Grimes & Ross Gingles (Skerries Sailing Club lead the Irish in 4th with Niall Henry & Ossian Geraghty (Sligo Yacht Club) in th. Ruan & Rebekkah O'Tianaighs (Sutton Dinghy Club) lie 9th with Hugh & Dan Gill (Sutton Dinghy Club) in 10th.

Leading the Silver fleet and 13th overall following with 3 top 20 finishes is Conor Twohig & Matthew Cotter (Sutton Dinghy Club) ahead of Ciaran Keogh & Adam Leddy (Greystones Sailing Club) who also had a super day and finished 19th overall. The Bronze fleet is led by Australian entry Conor Byrne & Emer McNally (Darwin Sailing Club).

Results after Day 3:

PosFleetSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3Pts
1stGold14262Ian DobsonAndy TunihillBurwain SC1214
2ndGold14023Matt MeeChris RobinsonB&FYC/Red Wharf Bay4127
3rdGold14185Nick CraigToby LewisBurghfield Frensham2338
4thGold14144Colman GrimesRoss GinglesSkerries Sailing Club/Derwent Resevoir57416
5thGold13654Neil MarsdenDerek HillBlackpool & Fleetwood yc85821
6thGold14252Niall HenryOssian GeraghtySligo Yacht Club611623
7thGold13161Robert RichardsonSteven WilsonRoyal Windermere Yacht Club126725
8thGold14202Ciaron JonesSam PlattHolyhead SC / Bolton SC3141330
9thGold14215Ruan O'TiarnaighRebekah O'TiarnaighBYC / SDC204933
10thGold14275Hugh GillDan GillSutton Dinghy Club9101433
11thGold14256Ger OwenMelanie MorrisEABC & RSGYC1681539
12thGold14287Tim JonesDale KnowlesHolyhead SC / Bolton SC14151039
13thSilver14165Conor TwohigMatthew CotterSutton Dinghy Club17131242
14thGold14217Mark PlattTom PlattBolton Sailing Club10231649
15thGold14235Alan BlayHugh McNallySutton DC1532552
16thGold14247John McGuinnessDonal McGuinnessMoville Boat Club21161754
17thGold14188John HayesJoel JamesSouthport SC19182259
18thGold13403Robert LeeStephen LynchGreystones Sailing Club23211963
19thSilver13624Ciaran KeoghAdam LeddyDMYC26221866
20thGold14178Jason TindaleLawrence CreaserBarbados Yacht Club30192069
21stGold14241Patrick HamiltonKeith MaxwellEast Down YC24252170
22ndBronze14130Conor ByrneEmer McNallyDarwin Sailing Club22124175
23rdSilver13509Harry J FrithJohn RichardsonRoyal Windermere Yacht Club32362593
24thGold14263Diarmaid MullenLauren DonaghySligo YC46292398
25thGold14214Keith LoudenMateo LoudenLFYC43272898
26thGold14279Katie DwyerMichelle RowleySutton Sailing Club373930106
27thBronze14226Frankie BrowneDavid LappinSSC354527107
28thSilver14255Doire ShielsLewis CoppingetSSC274639112
29thBronze13308Meg TyrrellSorcha DonnellyRoyal Irish Yacht Club474231120
30thBronze14029Darach DinneenNoah CanhamSkerries Sailing Club395626121
31stBronze13795Daniel O'HareMuriel CarthyRush SC513436121
32ndSilver13981Sam StreetJosh LloydBlessington Sailing Club443047121
33rdGold13917Josh PorterSara GowdyMSC663324123
34thBronze13977Kerri‑ann BoylanMegan BoylanSSC316232125
35thGold14248Ross KearneyAndrew VaughanRoyal North of Ireland YC119DNC125
36thGold14199Graham FlynnFrank NicklessThe Chase SC717DNC129
37thGold13890Matthew De VilliersChristopher du ToitGLYC425533130
38thGold14272Peter BoyleSteven BoyleSutton Dinghy Club18RET11134
39thSilver14225Cathal SheridanDavid CookeSkerries Sailing Club534042135
40thBronze14259James HackettColm HackettMullingar SC504738135
41stGold14242Jane KearneyOliver GoodheadRoyal North of Ireland YC / South Staffs654329137
42ndGold14154Adrian LeeGareth GallagherYSC/MBC1320DNC138
43rdSilver14002Mark BiagioAaron BiagioPretoria Sailing club713534140
44thBronze13314Eoghan DuffyMatthew WhiteLRYC456035140
45thSilver13901Steven NelsonDaniel NelsonNewtownards sailing club / donaghadee sa2824DNC157
46thBronze14072Darrell SleepCharles SaundersStaunton Harold Sailing Club604949158
47thBronze13353Des MacmahonPat BiestyCullaun Sailing Club586637161
48thBronze13804Robert SkellyChris MayDerwent Reservoir Sailing Club675443164
49thBronze13316James WardRichard WhitehillPapercourt Sailing Club596144164
50thSilver14090Chris ClaytonRory HigginsRNIYC3426DNC165
51stSilver14257William JohnsonJames johnsonLough Foyle Sailing Club2931DNC165
52ndBronze14056Arthur LoganFiona LoganCastle Semple Sailing Club685840166
53rdBronze13677Daithi MurphyCormac MurphyTralee Bay Sailing Club736445182
54thSilver14105Alan PinderMargaret HindsMullingar SC4138DNC184
55thSilver13176Christopher WintersFreya MasonMidland Sailing Club36DNC46187
56thSilver13875Simon JoyceRosanna JoyceBudworth SC766848192
57thGold13466Richard StreetLisa FlynnBlessington4852DNC205
58thSilver14274Simon CullyLibby TierneyBlessington Sailing Club7428DNC207
59thGold14219Curly MorrisKatie KaneEast Antrim B. C.5251DNC208
60thBronze13721Ross BairdSian BairdBudworth Sailing Club5750DNC212
61stBronze13966Finley WaterhouseNigel WaterhouseBudworth Sailing Club6444DNC213
62ndBronze14280Zena MartinLeanne PilkingtonBolton SC6953DNC227
63rdSilver14206Alan JonesSue WatsonBassenthwaite7548DNC228
64thBronze13263Keith BuddenBennet RobertsTrimpley6263DNC230
65thBronze13542Peter ShorttStuart BurnsSkerries Sailing Club6367DNC235
66thGold13669Norman LeeAlan LeddyGreystones Sailing Club25DNCDNC235
67thBronze13399Joseph HinsleyDaniel DrummSkerries Sailing Club7259DNC236
68thBronze13645Hender BlewettCat GinglesDerwent Reservoir Sailing Club7065DNC240
69thSilver13928Sam WrayLuke HendersonSligo Yacht Club33DNCDNC243
70thBronze13238George FitzgeraldFrank MulqueenCullaun SCDNC37DNC247
71stSilver13537Richard ThompsonSimon McVeyRoyal Windermere Yacht Club38DNCDNC248
72ndGold14254James Peter HockleyAlan ThompsonLough Foyle Y C40DNCDNC250
73rdSilver14271Brian MorrisonLucia NicholsonLough Erne yacht clubDNC41DNC251
74thBronze13608Keith LeonardBernadette GroganSwords/Skerries Sailing SC8369DNC257
75thSilver14127Stuart McCormickKasia Goborec‑McEvoyMullingar Sailing Club49DNCDNC259
76thBronze13780Lesley FreemanSue WebbTrimpley Sailing Club54DNCDNC264
77thBronze14234David InnesJohn McGuinnessFrensham Pond sailing Club55DNCDNC265
78thBronze1Luke KellettCiaran DurnfordSutton D C56DNCDNC266
79thBronze13228Billy O'MahonyDamian HawkinsCullaun SCDNF57DNC267
80thBronze14052Sam McConkeyNoel McCarthyClontarf Yacht and Boat Club61DNCDNC271
81stBronze14054Cormac MeaneyAngela BoyhanMullingar Sailing Club77DNCDNC287
82ndBronze13935John BorneMeredith GrieveNewtownards Sailing Club78DNCDNC288
83rdSilver14077Michael BrinesPeter BrinesLough Erne Sailing Club79DNCDNC289
84thSilver14212Michael CoxClaire CromieNewtownards Sailing Club80DNCDNC290
85thBronze4215Charlotte O'TiarnaighNatasha O'TiarnaightSutton Dinghy Club81DNCDNC291
86thBronze796Derek McCuneGraham McCormackNewtownards Sailing Club82DNCDNC292
87thSilver1372Hugh DevereuxJames AlexanderBudworth SS CDNCDNCDNC315
88thSilver14171Lawrence BaalhamRobbie RichardsonDonaghadee Sailing ClubDNCDNCDNC315
89thBronze13459Jane Hunter McleanEmily LoweSutton dinghy clubDNCDNCDNC315
90thBronze14142John McVeaKerry EdwardsSLYCDNCDNCDNC315
91stBronze4615Stephen ParryJens KuhnYork SCDNCDNCDNC315
92ndBronze14167Simon HoultIsla HoultHayling Island SCDNCDNCDNC315
93rdBronze13207Denis CullyOllie LloydBlessington Sailing ClubDNCDNCDNC315
94thBronze13267Simon DickFred/Julia DickBlessingtonDNCDNCDNC315
95thBronze13847Noel ClarkeEric Quinn/Tony ClarkeSkerries Sailing Club/AustraliaDNCDNCDNC315
96thBronze13910Alan GowdyPauline GowdyNewtownards Sailing ClubDNCDNCDNC315
97thBronze13911Shane RussellDave CarolanClontarf Yacht & Boat ClubDNCDNCDNC315
98thBronze13850Stephen BroadersJackie MaloneSwords sailing clubDNCDNCDNC315
99thBronze13865Jennifer BryceLara SundayNewtownards Sailing Club/Donaghadee SailDNCDNCDNC315
100thBronze14Max CullyTighe WardellBlessingtonDNCDNCDNC315
101stBronze14061Michael CollenderBrian WalkerMullingar Sailing ClubDNCDNCDNC315
102ndBronze14057Ann PennyLisa CarpenterDerwent Reservoir/South Staffs Sailing CDNCDNCDNC315
104thGold12654Nick DevereuxSarah JarmanBudworth SCDNCDNCDNC315

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