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RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show 2025
Product Feature

Priestlands win 70th National Schools Championship held at Itchenor

by Kate Hutchinson 6 Jul 2023 19:26 BST 3-4 July 2023

Eighteen pupils from Priestlands School Sailing Team, sponsored by Typhoon International Ltd and Hurst Castle Marine and Events, competed in the 70th National Schools Championship held at Itchenor Sailing Club 3rd & 4th July and won the overall schools trophy becoming the National Champions for 2023.

The National Schools Championships, also known as Itchenor Schools Week, began in 1953 as The Public Schools Firefly Invitation Championships with the aim to promote inter-schools sailing competition and encourage youth sailing. Initially raced in Fireflys, the event has moved with the times introducing 420s and now RS Fevas with all schools now welcome to compete.

A record breaking hundred and five RS Fevas from thirty-one schools registered for the event. Day one the fleet launched in a fresh south westerly building breeze, wind with tide and beat forty minutes to reach the race area at the mouth of Thorney Channel in Chichester Harbour. Race one was an impressive sight to behold as ninety-six feva's started from a single line with those spotting the port end bias gaining an early advantage. With the wind steadily increasing to a strong breeze some chose not to use spinnakers and those that did flew down-wind on the windward/leeward two lap course.

As forecast, race two got under way in a strong breeze, with wind now against tide and wind increasing to near gale conditions. Those sailors that could keep upright worked extremely hard to survive and raced around the course with only thirty-eight boats completing the race. The remaining days races were abandoned on account of the fierce conditions.

That evening, much needed respite came at the social and disco held at Itchenor Sailing Club where the sailors let off steam, jumping around to some lively tunes, following a really testing day on the water (with a few mothers joining the throng!).

Reenergized sailors set off on day two in a south westerly moderate breeze. The race officer, Roddy Bridge managed to complete four two lap windward/leeward races in a fresh breeze with only one general recall in race six. With the completion of six races, two discards were applied. At the top end of the fleet competition for second place was fierce with Dirk and Jonny Rogers from Priestlands, battling it out with India Eastwood and Margot Evans from Wycombe Abbey School, the brothers prevailing to ultimately take 2nd place overall. With the top three boats from each school counting towards the Schools Team Prize, Freya Hutchinson and Joanna Macalister, finishing 11th and Amelia & Isla Hutchinson 18th Priestlands School saw off tough competition to win.

Along with George Bence, Joe Bewick-Newbury, Will & Milla Vinycomb, Amber Erdbeer & Annabel Hutchinson, Alex Breese and Raffy Seddon, Clodagh Punton and Lily Chisnell, Beattie and Poppy Markby-Brans, all Priestlands sailors deserve recognition having completed the majority of all six races over two days, navigating the highly changeable range of Chichester Harbour weather, winds and tides and being part of an unforgettable, hugely successful 2023 Itchenor Schools Week. With special thanks to Typhoon International Ltd and Hurst Castle Marine and Catering for enabling Priestlands to take part in this prestigious regatta.

Overall Results:

PosBoat NameSail noSchoolHelmCrewR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stFeva 22152215The Hamble SchoolSophie WatsonFreddie Callaghan2‑14121‑36
2ndDanger Bear61241PRIESTLANDSDirk RogersJonny Rogers4164‑17‑2915
3rd59545954WYCOMBE ABBEY SCHOOLIndia EastwoodMargot Evans542‑7‑7415
4thSailboat Trailers8639Bohunt School LiphookThomas JubbLaura Jubb32‑93‑12816
5thFeva 62466246SOLIHULLTheo SmithWilliam Cowley‑1663‑122920
6thNo Name7052PORTSMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLElla JonesKate Gamble‑25986‑11124
7th7oaks Feva2 / TBC8209SEVENOAKSJames MiddleburghJosh Beverley1311‑1510(OCS)25
8thGary the 3rd5561MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOLDaniel LarsenGeorge Aldridge1075‑113(OCS)25
9thFeva584Bishop Luffa SchoolAlex SydenhamAlex Coles‑148710‑13227
10thFlying Pig6565BOUNDARY OAK SCHOOLHenry MartinThomas Peace‑19‑1913181335
11thWan Rocket7550PRIESTLANDSJoanna MacalisterFreya Hutchinson75419‑31‑3135
12th7oaks Feva1 / TBC6305SEVENOAKSIzzy JohnsonChloe Walmsley6‑18‑41951535
13thKitty Pirate7605HardenhuishEmilia RipleyToby Stanislaus9(DNC)14144(OCS)41
14th61576157Bishop LuffaEthan HillOllie Meaby811‑16139‑1841
15th51445144Weydon SchoolZoe Lomas‑ClarkeWilliam Ahlheid15‑3519‑2214755
16th55175517CHURCHERS COLLEGETorquil MorrisonCharlie Stevenson23‑2817518‑4163
17thThe Flying Penguin5559Brookfield Community SchoolJake DaviesFfion Cerrato1312‑3426‑342071
18thFearless6880PRIESTLANDSAmelia HutchinsonIsla Hutchinson1121‑2817‑322372
19thTonbridge Feva 88551TONBRIDGEBen SheppardAnton Chernyshov‑37131832‑421073
20th7oaks Feva3 / TBC6311SEVENOAKSJasper NelsonMax Whitby‑Smith21‑31‑322462576
21stFeva 62986298Bishop Luffa SchoolJack GardnerGeorge Long18‑38258‑302879
22nd69086908NORWICH SCHOOLEllie ThwaitesToby Adlam‑3316‑2220222280
23rdRS Feva3112Chichester Free SchoolCallum AldridgeTed Reynolds‑512215‑49361184
24th 8251ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKSonny SimpsonJoel Simpson‑342321‑28261484
25th...Feva Tree7806Ditcham Park SchoolEd Upton‑BrownEwan Laurie322712‑3415(OCS)86
26thRS Feva6318Bohunt schoolHarry JonesOscar Bartlett3110‑40‑38232690
27thRhodes Feva4Brookfield SchoolEthan RhodesMarcus King24(DNS)26‑31281290
28thTonbridge Feva 68559TONBRIDGEGeorge CurtisBenji Bryden‑46(DNC)311639591
29th86668666CHURCHERS COLLEGEAngus CockburnJayden Sui22(DNC)29‑35251793
30thFeva5064Eggars SchoolWilliam Stratton‑BrownAdam Girling28242021‑37‑4593
31stRGSG Feva 2888ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL GUILDFORDJago HalliwellTom Dreyer67(DNC)10‑6916699
32nd7oaks Feva4 / TBC6310SEVENOAKSOli ChambersHenry Wilkinson3025‑373020(OCS)105
33rd 8247ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKHugo RuddMhairi MacDonald2615‑464224‑59107
34thPGS 25839THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLMonty RossHarry Shove2032‑4827‑4938117
35th??114PRIESTLANDSGeorge BenceJo Bewick‑Newbery2930‑4325‑3533117
36thRGSG Feva 44103ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL GUILDFORDBen GoldsmithSam Bayne472627‑5021‑48121
37thPGS 36911THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLJamie TaylorSam Armstrong35(RET)‑51184427124
38th20012001SEAFORD COLLEGEJago MooreScarlett Gladman17(DNC)3539‑4534125
39th 8246ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKScarlett MacLennanIzzy Bartlett402038‑74‑4335133
40thTonbridge Feva 28558TONBRIDGEBarney BrownCharlie Simmonds‑48343036‑4836136
41st69096909NORWICH SCHOOLRosie PankZoe Hornberger38(DNC)443719‑75138
42ndFIVE Churcher's Feva / TBC CHURCHERS COLLEGECharlie WilliamsAnnabel Chrismas44(DNC)‑56333332142
43rdDouble Trouble (Feva)5454Bishop luffa schoolIsabelle TonksMatilda Gran43(DNC)2429‑5947143
44thTonbridge Feva 18563TONBRIDGEKai GuanWill Smith‑5833‑82475016146
45thDiva622Bishop luffaGeorge PhillipsBen Stewart42375023‑52‑57152
46thTonbridge Feva 48566TONBRIDGEJacob AyalaTristan Burnett‑6017‑62434746153
47thFeva4532THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLInderjeet StoneArchie Barber36(DNC)2344‑7950153
48thFOUR Churcher's Feva / TBC CHURCHERS COLLEGEAlice ChristmasGeorgie Stratton Brown41(DNC)54‑622739161
49thTonbridge Feva 78573TONBRIDGEAlex PaizesLev Balabin49(DNC)58‑603819164
50thSexy Seal4194PRIESTLANDSRaffy SeddonAlex Breese27(DNC)534154‑71175
51st69077257NORWICH SCHOOLRalph LeftleyCallum Wallis6129‑694541‑62176
52nd 6258THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLWilbur WardMonty Holden(DNC)(DNC)45516421181
53rdWSC Feva4Brookfield Community SchoolMerryn WealthySophie Le Grice‑56(DNC)47555624182
54thTWELVE Churchers Feva / TBC2377CHURCHERS COLLEGEJemima CravenSophie Crossley50(DNC)‑83464053189
55thSaturday Night Feva6733Wycombe Abbey SchoolPippa ShepherdFlo Moore59(DNC)(DNC)405142192
56th76547654THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLBeaulah WilsonAmelia Davies39(DNC)‑64544654193
57thFeva 20992099Bishop luffaSophie BrookesIsla Brookes45(DNC)395662(DNC)202
58th 7860ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKWill GroutOllie Irven52(DNC)5248‑6051203
59thSir Tommy Wish5560MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOLSam McDouallMathis Ivanocik5436‑81‑735864212
60thGrey Goose5646Cardinal Vaughan Memorial SchoolLudovico WernigDavide Wernig53(DNC)3359‑6968213
61stFeva / PGS 56740THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLAnna SieversAnnouska Gadsby(DNF)(DNC)66792940214
62ndHISC Hire Boat4Portsmouth Grammar SchoolClaude YoungGeorge Brooke(DNC)(DNC)49527837216
63rdDico Feva5564THE PORTSMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOLRuthie GawleyElias Clediere63(DNC)7453‑8130220
64th44614461CHURCHERS COLLEGECharlie JonesFreddie Jones(DNS)(DNC)61616344229
65thDewsbury Feva4425Hamble SchoolSofia DewsburyFrederick Farndell65(DNS)55(DNF)5566241
66thDJ RAGE1023Bay House SchoolEve WealthyDaisy Charlesworth55(DNC)‑85587258243
67thRGSG Feva 3209ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL GUILDFORDJosh JacobsRory Mitchell70(DNC)‑72646843245
68th 8248ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKSam WoodcockBeth MacDonald57(DNC)67‑867452250
69thWSC Feva5463Sarisbury Junior SchoolJack WardWilliam Le Grice(RET)(DNC)70815349253
70thBSC7108Bishop Luffa SchoolCharlie MealingMatthew Board(DNS)(DNC)36DNF5761260
71stWilliams' Feva5704Bishop Luffa School / Tally 52 if possibHugh WilliamsJoseph Clark64(DNC)‑84656665260
72ndGeremiah the 47th300MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOLCharlton YaoNikhil Hauser(DNS)(DNS)77637155266
73rdClarke Feva6052SEAFORD COLLEGELeo ThorneEvan Twist62(DNC)‑76767363274
74thFeva La Vida6569BedalesNoah Akers‑DouglasHarry Burnell‑Nugent(DNS)(DNC)68677069274
75th'Tis But A Scratch8645Ibstock Place SchoolJoe ShapiroNoah Cohen(DNF)(DNS)63578474278
76th7oaks Feva5 / TBC6312SEVENOAKSAustin RitchieEddie Esdale(RET)(DNC)65667770278
77thFeva BSC7104Bishop LuffaAlice KingEva Jones(DNF)(DNC)59807572286
78thEsc feva 2 Bishop luffaNoah ChisnallLuke Pendry69(DNC)‑90837667295
79th44074407SEAFORD COLLEGEIsla WoodwardPoppy Keville(DNS)(DNC)71718073295
80thTonbridge Feva 38556TONBRIDGEBennett HornerHarry Patterson(DNS)(DNC)DNS786160305
81stTortuga6296PRIESTLANDSClodagh PuntonLilly Chisnell68(DNC)7368(DNC)DNC315
82ndNew Feva/tbc8186Sherborne GirlsAmelie PoulainAmelie De Salis(DNS)(DNC)80DNS8256324
83rdHullabaloo1159Chichester Free SchoolThomas KnightSophie Cath12(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC330
84th 7862ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKRuby AllenKyan Jones(DNS)(DNC)917265DNC334
85thRS Feva 63816381Bishop Luffa SchoolBenjamin GardnerZac Robst66(DNC)57(DNC)DNCDNC335
86thTbcTbcChichester Free SchoolLiberty AldridgeArthur Reynolds(DNF)(DNC)898467OCS346
87thDQSC5627CHURCHERS COLLEGETheo NicholsIsobel Crossley(DNS)(DNC)7570RETDNC357
89th 7861ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKFlorence OsborneSophia Hiller(DNF)(DNC)6088DNCDNC360
90thBosham sailing club6295Bishop LuffaTed ProbeeThomas Mealing(DNS)(DNC)7982DNCDNC373
91stBSC club boat7101Bishop LuffaOlaf StortonCass Dent(DNS)(DNC)8677DNCDNC375
92nd 7859ROYAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL HOLBROOKAlex BartlettBay Omanney Terry(DNS)(DNS)7887DNCDNC377
93rdPHS 2 PORTSMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLElsie Upton‑BrownIsabella Pickup(DNS)(DNC)9375RETDNC380
94thFeva 71046513The Petersfield School (TPS)Edward KershawOliver Kershaw(DNS)(DNC)8885RETDNC385
95thPort Rocket7552PRIESTLANDSPoppy Markby BransBeattie Markby Brans(DNS)(DNC)RETDNC83DNC401
96thMills Feva2028Bishop LuffaOliver MillsHarry Hatfield(DNC)(DNC)87DNCDNCDNC405
97thJungle Feva6196PRIESTLANDSAnnabel HutchinsonAmber Erdbeer(DNS)(DNC)92DNCDNCDNC410
99thMCS 4 / 4001400MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOLJames FullerStephen Parakhonyak(DNC)(DNC)95DNFDNCDNC413
100thPerks Feva3120Winchester collegeHarry PerksCharlie Perks(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC424
100th407407CHURCHERS COLLEGEDaisy TavnerSophia Jaggard(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC424
100th43135562CHURCHERS COLLEGETiggy BadcockPhoebe Concannon(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC424
100thCabin Feva6124PRIESTLANDSMilla VinycombWill Vinycomb(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC424
100th13051305COKETHORPEAndrew HomewoodJack Turner(DNS)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC424

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