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Chichester Yacht Club Snowflake Series 2024 - Day 2

by Mark Green 29 Jan 2024 20:17 GMT 14 January - 10 March 2024

42 boats arrived to take part in CYC's second 2024 Snowflake event. After the storms of recent weeks the weather was beautifully calm with blue sky and a moderate South Easterly wind.

Martin Orton as Race officer set a trapezoidal course starting on the West shore of the "lake" with a beat alongside Birdham pool to a windward mark in front of the clubhouse. The Wind and the Tide combined to punish anyone that chose the wrong path to the mark.

The CYC snowflake often attracts sailors from across the south, this week a large Norfolk Punt arrived and drew a lot of admiring looks from the locals.

In the Fast Fleet the first four were very consistent. Jack Holden (RS400) winning both followed by George Yeoman and Owain Matthews (Merlin Rocket), followed by Richard Sharp (Finn) and Matt Johnson (Finn).

In the Medium Fleet Rob and Gemma Burridge sailing a 2000 resumed their battle with Alex Butler in his Solo, Sharing the honours with a win each exactly as they had in day 1. They were followed by Ian Morgan (Solution) in the first race and M.Frary (Solo) in the second race.

In the Slow fleet the Three Mirror's dominated the racing with Terry and Charlie Hunt taking race 1 and Richard and Rupert Searle taking race 2. Lucy and Rosy Searle took third place in both races ahead of Chichester's Freddie Jones in his Optimist.

The Next Snowflake will take part on the 11th February with a first race start time of 10:30. Anyone wishing to register can do so by visiting

Series Results after Day 2:

PosBoat TypeSail NoHelmCrewClubPYR1R2R3R4Pts
Fast Fleet
1stRS 4001550Jack Holden Chichester YC940‑11113
2ndMERLIN‑ROCKET3777George YeomanOwain MatthewsItchenor SC9803‑6227
3rdFINN90Richard Sharp Emsworth Slipper SC104922‑337
4thRS 300520Luke South Emsworth SC965‑635614
5thOSPREY1322Ben TownsendEd RichardsonEmsworth SC9344(NSO)6818
6thFINN16Nick Mason Emsworth Slipper SC1049559‑1119
7thHADRON H2122Ian Brooks Chichester YC1034‑87UTYUTY22
8thOSPREY1317SimonTownsendGary JonesEmsworth SC93410‑118523
9thMERLIN‑ROCKET3600Mike PartridgeClaire DavisHayling Island SC98078.510‑1225.5
10thFINN7Matt Johnston ESSC1049(DNC)DNC4426
11thHADRON H2144John Shelton Shoreham SC1034‑118.511726.5
12thSCORPION2050James GardnerAnne GardnerHayling Island SC104394(DNC)DNC31
13thHADRON H2121Dick Holden PSC1034(DNC)DNC71035
14thRS 4001346Sean CurtisSimon GoldfarbEmsworth Slipper SC940121213‑1437
15thHADRON H2176Paul Walker Shoreham SC1034(DNC)DNC12939
16thNorfolk Punt50Edward CliffordTom CliffordNorfolk Broads YC884(DNC)DNC141345
17thRS 300519Charlie South Emsworth SC965(DNC)DNCDNCDNC54
Medium Fleet
1stSOLO5781Alex Butler Hayling Island SC1142‑31214
2nd20002458Rob BurridgeGemma BurridgeWeirwood SC11141‑4124
3rdRS AERO 73656Mark Riddington Emsworth Slipper SC1063534‑812
4th20002085Joe GallivanSarah BurridgeWeirwood SC1114‑115.56516.5
5thSOLO3733Ian Barnett Chichester YC11426(RET)9419
6thRS AERO 74185John Derbyshire Emsworth SC10637‑87721
7thSUPERNOVA1318James Gerwat Shoreham SC1077‑998926
8thRS AERO 72839Richard Bentley Felpham SC1063810‑111129
9thSOLO5237Derek Jackman Chichester YC1142137(DSQ)1232
10th20002204Iain YardleySarah YardleyRYA1114‑1412101032
11thEUROPE431John Rees Hayling Island SC114142(DNC)DNC33
12thEUROPE411Lucy Boreham Chichester Yacht Club114125.5(DNC)DNC34.5
13thSOLO6057M Frary HISC1142(DNC)DNC5335
14thSOLUTION408Ian Morgan Warsash SC1096(DNC)DNC3636
15thSOLUTION444Jon Steward Lee‑on‑the‑Solent1096121313‑1438
16th200021446Guy RussellClare CollettWest Wittering SC1114151412‑1641
17thRS AERO 72811James Bayliss Itchenor SC10631011(DNC)DNC48
18thILCA 6/LASER RADIAL114045Andy Morley Chichester YC1150171717‑1851
19thRS VAREO372Mark Green Chichester YC1093(DNC)DNC141354
20th200022542Helen GreenKatie DayChichester YC1114(DNC)DNC151557
21stRS AERO 73537Daniel Shapiro Itchenor SC10631616(DNC)DNC59
22nd200021731Michael OlliffPaula OlliffChichester YC11141815(DNC)DNC60
23rdILCA 7/LASER159429Chris Merrifield‑Day Chichester YC1101(DNC)DNC161760
24thRS AERO 51587Sarah Shepherd Chichester YC11361918(DNC)DNC64
25thSOLO4473Mark Winson Chichester YC1142(DNC)DNCDSQRET67
26th 3305Richard Bullock Itchenor SC (DNC)DNCDNCDNC81
Slow Fleet
1stMIRROR (D/H)70989Terry HuntCharlie HuntNetley SC1387111‑23
2ndOPTIMIST6374Freddie Jones Chichester YC163522‑448
3rdMIRROR (D/H)70916Richard SearleRupert SearleItchenor SC1387(DNC)DNC2113
4thILCA 4/LASER 4.7220169Louie Cornell Felpham SC121044‑5513
5thMIRROR (D/H)70713Lucy SearleRosy SearleItchenor SC1387(DNC)DNC3316
6thRS FEVA XL5454Izzy TonksAnna ElmHayling Island SC124833(DNC)DNC16
7thBYTE CI3726Karen Cheeseman Chichester YC1210UTYUTY(UTY)UTY21
8thRS FEVA NO KITE374Allegra SpecAimee MorelyChichester YC1300(DNC)DNC6622
9thRS FEVA XL375Olivia AshtonIsabelChichester YC1248(DNC)DNC7724

Full results for the Series can be found at

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