Announcing RS Class Association Women's Weekends
by RS Class Association 9 Feb 2024 10:55 GMT
23-24 March 2024

RS200 Women training at Itchenor © Maria Stanley
The RS Class Association announce two RS Women's Weekends for 2024
- 23-24 March Rutland SC, RS200, RS400, RS500, RS800
- 6-7 July, Lymington Town SC, RS200, RS400, RS800, in conjunction with RS Aero Women's Championships
The RS Class Association are keen to encourage and help develop our female sailors, and in particular encourage more women to helm. We are proud to have a good representation of female sailors at all levels across our fleets and want to do all we can to further this.
We will be running two RS Women's Weekends in 2024, open to all female helms (crewed by males or females), whether experienced or helming for the first time. The welcoming weekends will help female sailors build skills and confidence, share experiences and encourage friendships and fun with fellow female sailors.
Investment from the Class Association means that we have been able to secure top quality coaches, and deliver small group coaching.
We are delighted that RYA High Performance Coach, Vincent Horey and 49er/RS800/British Transition Squad sailor Ben Bradley will be the coaches for Rutland, and that top RS200 sailor Will Taylor and 49er fx sailor Alice Masterman will coach at Rutland.
Both weekends will include coaching on Saturday, followed by coached racing on Sunday, with a fleet supper on Saturday night.
Entry is open for Rutland here, Lymington entry will follow soon.