SWYSA Youth Winter Training 2024 at Paignton Sailing Club
by Peter Solly 25 Feb 2024 20:43 GMT
24 February 2024
Paignton Sailing Club hosted a wonderful day of South West Youth Sailing Academy (SWYSA) Winter Race Coaching on Saturday. Although a little chilly at times, there was sun, blue sky and lovely 8-15 knot winds - pretty much perfect conditions.
The SWYSA Winter Race Coaching sessions aim to be fun, friendly and inclusive, and for sailors to enjoy them. It was lovely to see sailors meeting up with their SWYSA friends again, and the friendships which are developing over this winter program. Clubs like Paignton Sailing Club make such a difference to this.
Coaching is organised in separate fleets, each with their own dedicated coaches, and its great to see the progress that sailors are making with their skills and boat speed over the season.
After an initial briefing ashore, each of the fleets launched, and had a great morning in the bay with lots of fun, as well as good leaning and practice. They came ashore for a welcoming pasta lunch, which was cooked by volunteers from hosts Paignton Sailing Club, and then sailors launched again for a good afternoon session. Towards the end of the day, the fleets combined for some informal racing, the Laser sailors enjoying Port Hand Fliers!
Thanks to all of the coaches, the parent volunteers who helped organise and who were on the water in safety boats and coach boats.
A huge thank you to Paignton Sailing Club for hosting such a great event, and making everybody feel so welcome.
The next SWYSA Winter Race Coaching event is at Royal Torbay Yacht Club on 9th March.
Paignton Sailing Club: www.paigntonsailingclub.co.uk
SWYSA on Facebook: www.facebook.com/swyouthsailing