Bristol Corinthian Yacht Club host SWYSA Squads for Winter Race Coaching
by SWYSA Committee 20 Dec 2024 19:13 GMT
14-15 December 2024

SWYSA Squad Camp at Bristol Corinthian © Peter Solly
A wonderful friendly welcome was given to the SWYSA sailors by Bristol Corinthian Yacht Club last weekend, for the first of the two-day winter camps. For the first time this year, SWYSA is running two-day camps for the more experienced Topper and Tera sailors in addition to the traditional one-days.
With good wind and sun, the camp was run with two separate fleets, each with their own coaching team.
Renowned 29er and 470 sailor Hazel McDonnell coached the Toppers, assisted by top-level Topper sailor Isabel Williscroft, whist the RS Teras were coached by Duncan West (who is leading the overall SWYSA coaching team this winter) and ex-Tera sailor Jack Solly.
Toppers worked on starting and boat speed, with a range of exercise including double-tacks, hovering, stop-tacks and trigger pulls; as well as sail control, heel and rudder movements. Throughout the fleet there was significant progression over the two days, with all sailors reaping the rewards of working hard.
With good shore-based briefing and debriefing at the beginning and end of each day, as well as at lunchtime, the coaching was delivered to a very high standard. Detailed pre and post event briefings and video feedback has also helped sailors to consolidate the learning. One club member who was on the water doing the club race commented "I have to say your coaches are doing an amazing job: I sailed around them while doing some of their exercises, and the skill level was amazing!"
But as ever, SWWSA is about more than just race coaching. At its core, its really about having fun, and it was lovely to see sailors making new friendships as well as rekindling existing ones.
Bristol Corinthian Yacht Club provided a very friendly welcome, with well organised logistics and a helpful team shoreside team to assist with safety boats. SWYSA parent volunteers ran the galley, serving warm pasta and sauce lunches both days for all sailors as well as parents. As usual at SWYSA events, sailors brought home-made cakes to share at the end of each day whilst debriefing, and these went down very well!
A huge thank you to all of the coaching team, the organisers, and Bristol Corinthian Yacht Club for hosting.
The next SWYSA event is at Paignton Sailing Club in January.