Mediterranean Mooring Made Simple with Boatasy
by Marine Components International 30 Apr 18:00 BST

Boatasy GHOOK © Boatasy
We all know the sailing world is full of strange terminology, and we are about to introduce a new one - Boatasy GHOOK.
Now you may be wondering what on earth is one of those, well let us explain. A GHOOK is a must-have for when mooring astern in the Mediterranean and it's the gadget missing from onboard your boat.
The GHOOK is a rotating mooring hook, its sole purpose to efficiently take a mooring line from the shore to the bow, quickly and stress free for all onboard. Using a GHOOK makes mooring three times faster than when using a traditional boat hook it offers many more advantages - and one being a happy crew!
The GHOOK offers additional safety.
It enables the crew to have one hand on the GHOOK connected to the mooring line and one hand for the boat. The rope does not need to pass through your hands, so they are protected. It enables you to hold the mooring line away from your side decks keeping them clean.
The Boatasy system is modular and the GHOOK can be used in isolation or with the Boatasy Boathook. Boatasy products are widely used on cruising yachts, racing yachts and powerboats, being versatile they offer many advantages over traditional boat hook designs.
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