Road To Gold Live Q&A with sports psychologist Dr Tim Herzog - Effective Mental Imagery & Self-Talk
by Andy Rice, Co-Creator, Road To Gold 20 May 2024 20:55 BST
22 May 2024

Road To Gold Live Q&A with top sports psychologist Dr Tim Herzog - Effective Mental Imagery & Self-Talk © Road To Gold
We've all heard the importance of the Mental Game - the factor that separates the top athletes from the rest. At a certain level, it's not your sailing skills that make the difference, but your mental state going into the competition.
No matter how well you do during training, if you crumble under the pressure of Race Day, it doesn't count for much. That's why we dedicate a whole chapter of Road To Gold to Mental Strength, and it's why we've got top sports psychologist Dr Tim Herzog back for another Q&A.
Tim is an in-demand clinical psychologist who works at many levels of the sport, including the Olympics and America's Cup, as well as providing 1-to-1 coaching support to athletes. Last time we spoke to him back in 2021, we covered key topics such as avoiding negative thinking patterns so they don't turn into self-fulfilling prophecies, and how to achieve optimal arousal levels for major events.
That first discussion was full of practical advice, and RTG premium members can rewatch it here.
What we'll be covering...
While mental practice is crucial if you want to perform at your best, it's not always obvious where to start. Dr Herzog will be sharing the same methods he uses when working with top athletes, and how you can incorporate them into your regular training regimen.
- Science-based breathing techniques, for flexible focus around the racecourse
- The ABCs of Self-Talk Habits: how to get back to making the boat go fast after things go wrong
- Beyond "normal" video or mental imagery - practical tips on how to incorporate mental rehearsal into your training regimen
No matter your level, these techniques are sure to give you the edge in your next race. And they can all be practised from the comfort of your own home!
(By the way, RTG has its own how-to ebook on Mental Rehearsal - read it for free [PDF] and get a head start before this Q&A.)
Aside from the main topic of the call, the Road To Gold team will be digging into whatever burning questions YOU have. This is a unique format - half podcast and half phone-in. You can either sit back and enjoy the call, or you can put your questions directly to Tim during the call.
What do YOU want to know about racing faster?
Feel free to ask your question(s) during the call, but if you can't make it live then you can send them in beforehand - hit Reply to this email, or fill out our quick survey.
Save the date: Wednesday 22 May, 1800 UTC
Check how that time zone relates to where you are in the world. It's not always easy to get on the call live, but we do provide a recording for our paying subscribers.
Free Zoom invite
Join Zoom Meeting with Road To Gold + Dr Tim Herzog
Meeting ID: 812 4598 1005
Passcode: 030836
Whether you're a dedicated weekend warrior or full-time professional racer, don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from one of the top minds in sports psychology and take your performance to the next level.