Road to Gold: Richard Parslow - multiple dinghy & keelboat champion
by Andy Rice 17 Jun 2024 13:07 BST
20 June 2024

Crew Dynamics - Richard Parslow © Road to Gold
Richard Parslow has stayed at the front of the fleet for more than 40 years. From winning the Fireball World Championships with Kim Slater in 1980, through many championship wins in other dinghies like the Merlin Rocket, Olympic campaigning in the 470 to present day victories in small keelboats like the Dragon and Etchells (with former America’s Cup and Whitbread skipper Lawrie Smith at the helm), Richard has pretty much done it all.
Every crew has its own DNA, and with Richard the Road To Gold team will be exploring Crew Dynamics. What makes a team tick and how do you bring out the best in each other to make the boat go faster?
What we'll be covering...
Aside from the main topic, we'll be digging into a wide range of topics with Richard.
This is a unique format - half podcast and half phone-in. You can either sit back and enjoy the call or you can put your questions directly to our guest.
Where else do you get the chance to ask a top sailor questions that will make YOU go faster?
Get online with us this Thursday for a free Zoom call and a 60-minute Q&A session with Richard, and learn how to apply his hard-earned experience to your own sailing ventures.
What do YOU want to know about racing faster?
Feel free to ask your question(s) during the call, but if you can't make it live then you can send them in beforehand - hit Reply to this email, or fill out our quick survey.
WHEN: Thursday 20 June, 1800 UTC
Check how that time zone relates to where you are in the world.
Join Zoom Meeting with Road To Gold + Richard Parslow
Meeting ID: 831 8433 3825
Passcode: 201501
Whatever competition you're aiming for, I guarantee there's going to be a barrel load of valuable info for you on this week's call.
Look forward to seeing you then!