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Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD

GP14 Inland Championship 2024 at Staunton Harold Sailing Club

by Steve McCarthy 21 Jul 2024 22:57 BST 13-14 July 2024

Having been postponed by the storms of April the light winds forecast for the weekend of the 13th of July may have put some sailors off entering along with them being committed in other classes.

14 teams from as far away as Bassenthwaite and Derwent Reservoir came to the Midlands for the warm welcome of coffee, bacon butties and fruit from the galley.

With a forecast of light winds but useful gusts, the reality looked a little less than anticipated from ashore, but a pleasant outlook prevailed with no rain!

Race 1 got away on time with a figure of eight course set. Heading up to the first windward mark, sitting nicely in the lee of the shore, made for an interesting sprint into the doldrums zone followed by a game of chess to see who could round the mark first. No calamities and the fleet settled into the race.

That first leg of the event set the pattern for the weekend's racing with fickle breeze at times, complete lulls, reach to beat wind bends, and gusts that (occasionally) had crews sitting out!... all this wind variation, at times with only boat lengths of separation between kept everyone on their toes and paying attention!

Close racing across the whole fleet was the order of the weekend with the frontrunner pack pulling clear distance away from the chasing pack, but within each there was close racing and position changes from start to finish. Six races successfully completed, four on Saturday, and the final two before lunch on Sunday. Many thanks to Tim Grey the race officer for his knowledge and excellent setting of courses.

The racing finished a little later than anticipated and those with evening plans raced away to enjoy them. Sam Watson and Andy Dawson took first place in all of the races on Saturday. With John and Jack Telford taking second place in three races, Steve McCarthy and Izzy Tate taking the fourth. Darrel Sleep and Charles had an early finish with black Flag in race 4.

I think that the race officer was hungry and sent Charles in to get the ovens on.

Those camping and staying locally had a meal cooked by Class president Charles Saunders and enjoyed an evening of chatting and watching the slide show of the days racing from Sailpics own, Richard Craig.

Sunday's conditions helped keep the fleet closer together for the two remaining races with place changes up and down the fleet. Quick and big gains, or losses, were to be made from picking up on lanes of private pressure, and a lift that dreams are made of... or watching that fluky so and so pull 200 yds clear by the next mark!

The tricky conditions were well managed by the race team who set courses that had a bit of everything. A tricky day for them too with legs that started as a reach, ended as a beat (yes... with tacking required!), and vice versa! Well done to them for 'just' getting on with it! Five races got away on time with race 2 invoking the only general recall, thereafter all race starts were subject to the black flag!

The results sheet tells the tale of a competitive weekend, but one consistent crew of Sam Watson and Andy Dawson set the standard securing 1st place overall. Important to note though - whilst Sam and Andy took most of the line honours, they had to work for every win being chased closely each race for the line. They we're pipped for a win in race 5 by Sharon and Paul Freeland... Great work Sharon and Paul and for their third place overall.

Amongst the weekend's shenanigans to note was the 'turn' performed early in race 5 by John and Jack Telford that transpired to be their rudder departing the transom rather than anything more generous, or admittance of any infringement. Well done to John and Jack for their second place overall.

Sam and Andy decided to swap places in the boat for the last race with resulted in a disqualification for them.

Takeaways from the weekend:

  • Rule 18.3
  • Check your rudder is secured
  • Sam to ask the OD's permission for a swap around of crew in the last race or reading the Notice of Race!

Thanks to Staunton Harold SC for hosting the weekend. Great hospitality and professional running of the races enjoyed by all. Great to see that the GP14 event also accommodate SHSC's own club racing without hindrance to either group. Amazing to see so many club juniors out too!

Looking forward to a return in 2025.


Sam Watson and Andy Dawson took the Inland Championship title for 2024.
John and Jack Telford took the runners up spot.
Sharon and Paul Freeland were third and first in Silver fleet.
In fourth place and second in Silve was Steve MaCarthy and Izzy Tate.
First in Bronze and first female boat in 8th place was Lesley Freeman and Susan Webb.
With local brothers Peter and Sam Nugent taking second place in Bronze.
The first youth boat in 13th place was Oliver Gabbitas and Freddie Cosby.

Overall Results:

PosFleetSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stGold14132Sam WatsonAndy DawsonNantwich and BC SC11112(DSQ)6
2ndGold14261John TelfordJack TelfordBassenthwaite SC2232‑6110
3rdSilver13611Sharon FreelandPaul FreelandLlandegfedd Lake SC34‑531314
4thSilver13326Steven McCarthyIzzy TateChase SC4‑6245217
5thSilver14110Stephen CooperLiz GuestWelsh Harp SC‑63664524
6thSilver13868Oliver DumbeltonHarriet DumbeltonNantwich SC55853‑926
7thSilver14072Darrell SleepCharles SaundersStaunton Harold SC994(BFD)10436
8thBronze13780Lesley FreemanSusan WebbTrimpley SC10‑11777738
9thBronze13949Peter NugentSam NugentStaunton Harold SC‑1289128643
10thSilver14194Peter ThomsDawn FrostNantwich & Border Counties SC7710‑1111843
11thBronze14057Ann PennyCat GinglesDerwent Reservoir SC8‑1212991048
12thBronze4615Stephen ParryNigel CosbyYork SC11101110(DSQ)1254
13thBronze13495Oliver GabbitasFreddie CosbyYork SC / Beaver SC‑1313138121157
14thBronze14021Hender BlewettJosh RyznarDerwent Reservior SC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC75

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