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GOAT Marine

Charlie Dalin in the lead at the gateway to the Pacific Ocean

by IMOCA MACIF Santé Prévoyance 12 Dec 2024 16:46 GMT 12 December 2024
Charlie Dalin aboard MACIF Santé Prévoyance on 12th December - 2024 Vendée Globe © Charlie Dalin

On this 32nd day of racing, the skipper of MACIF Santé Prévoyance continues his express ride on the Vendée Globe after having engulfed the Cape of Good Hope / Cape Leeuwin section in 9 days and 22 hours. A record!

In front since November 30, Charlie Dalin is still in control of the race, more than 250 miles ahead of his pursuers. A gap that is certainly comfortable, but which could be reduced as the gybe manoeuvrers continue along the ice barrier, not far from the longitude of Tasmania. "With this series of gybes, I know that part of this lead will disappear within 24 hours. " underlined the Le Havre skipper early this morning. Between perfect control of his boat and the correct positioning of the speed-safety cursor, Charlie will enter the South Pacific Ocean this evening, determined to stay ahead...

It's the halfway point! That's already 12,000 miles (22,000 km) covered since leaving Les Sables d'Olonne on November 10. And there's just as much left to do... This Thursday, December 12 marks Charlie's entry into the South Pacific, for which the longitude of Tasmania remains the gateway. Happy to have been able to take a break from his competitors, thanks to his daring option in the Indian Ocean, sailing ahead of a big depression, the skipper of MACIF Santé Prévoyance remains humble in the face of the immensity that remains to him to go through: "I'm glad to have experienced this depression, to have been able to stay ahead. This propelled me way ahead. In the end, I had less strong wind than the others. That said, there is still a long way to go!"

Concentrated, in a good rhythm of life on board, and satisfied with the state of his boat after half a trip around the world, Charlie is already visualizing the next few days: "For the rest, it will depend on the timings... One of the scenarios, it I end up finding myself on a long starboard tack with a storm in a short week, potentially one to watch out for." he confides.

Living in solar time

Time zones pass by on this road to the East, making it difficult to maintain a regular daily rhythm. The sailor adapts and preserves himself to stay fresh and lucid: "At the moment, we are moving quickly across time zones. I try to live by solar time. I still check what time zone I'm in and I live on local time... I try to have breakfast after dawn. I shift meals like this as the weeks go by. " he confided this Thursday morning. The pace remains as hectic as ever and time passes quickly at sea, with little room for taking care of yourself and tinkering on the boat:

"I still had time to shave yesterday, it's the first time since departure! I do my best to preserve the boat and myself, I am constantly finding the right compromise between speed and preservation. There is no time for a break, I have no transition period to do the tinkering when the boat is doing peaks at 30 knots, it's not easy!' Charlie emphasized in the conversation as the sun came out and with it the feeling of a job well done.

"The Indian Ocean was different from 4 years ago. The last time I took gale after gale, in unmanageable seas. There, I was able. to compete... I feel like I'm racing a lot more this year. Four years ago, I already had my foil problem and I no longer had an anemometer at the masthead. was not the same story at all!"

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