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Vendée Globe Race - Day 34: Groupe APICIL rips out chainplate in wild Southern Ocean broach

by Vendee Globe Media/Richard Gladwell, Sail-World NZ 14 Dec 2024 10:42 GMT 14 December 2024
The broken chainplate ripped a hole in the deck of Groupe APICIL © Damien Seguin - Groupe APICIL

In strong wind conditions and heavy seas, a little before 0630UTC on Friday, December 13, a chainplate was torn off Groupe APICIL and caused a leak on board, which is now under control.

Damien Seguin was sailing downwind in the Southern Ocean on port tack under three reefs and a storm jib. The boat broached to windward in a strong gust and Damien heard a loud noise. A chainplate had torn off its anchor point, leaving a hole in the hull.

There were two repair attempts, the first failed because of a wave, and Damien was thrown against a stanchion. He suffered an impact to the neck and ear, with slight bleeding and pain in his knee. However, he continued and the second attempt at the repair was successful!

While the shore-based technical team is currently working on a procedure to improve the system put in place by Damien and a procedure to repair the hull from the inside, Damien is taking care of his injuries. He is currently in 17th place.

Conditions should improve on Sunday afternoon, when the wind should drop below 30 knots and the sea below 6 metres. The boat remains in good condition and the skipper continues on his way.

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