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Scottish Skiff Series at Largs Sailing Club

by Mark Haine 9 Jul 2009 08:02 BST 4-5 July 2009
Andy Hooton in his Musto Skiff took second at the Largs Scottish Skiff Series event © Alan Henderson /

A decent series of six races in a light southerly 2-3 and quite hot weather was what awaited the Scottish Skiffers at Largs. A selection of skiffs turned out and had some tight racing with the Musto Skiff contingent trading places particularly often.

In the first race Alistair McLaughlin led the fleet at the first mark showing his boat speed in the light airs but was eventually overhauled, after some less than efficient maneuvers, by the I14 of Martin Wilkie and Iain McCafferty and the MPS of Andy Hooton.

Race two was notable due to some confusion relating to the finishing flags which led Hooton and McLaughlin to try finishing one lap early which cost them valuable time on the 14. In the end Wilkie/McCafferty took the win, with Hooton second and Haine third after a late charge to overtake McLaughlin.

By Race 3 the wind had dropped off to marginal wiring conditions with Hooton winning, Wilkie/McCafferty second and McLaughlin third. By the end of the day it was the I14 of Martin Wilkie and Iain McCafferty and Musto of Andy Hooton on an equal 5 points leading the field.

Sunday morning started much the same as the previous day except that the tide was flooding and there was a 49er with the stunning new style rig belonging to the Robertsons from Royal Forth on the course. The tide and the unexpectedly large lift to the windward mark meant the Cumbrae side of the channel was significantly favoured. Andy Hooton was, in the Race officer's words, 'a bit tardy' for the start of race four due to going back to the club for water (your boat does not have a steam engine!) so this one became his discard with a 5th. At the front the 14 picked up another win with McLaughlin's Musto second and the 49er in third.

The wind was dropping and going fluky in race five and this caused a few position changes and at least one swim among the fleet. The 14 won it with the 49er second and Hooton in third.

By race six the wind had dropped somewhat more and swung a bit further to the east. Things were going well for Hooton and McLaughlin who led the 14 over the water to the second windward mark where the 14 had a spinnaker problem and were unfortunately forced to retire. The Robertsons 49er won the race with Hooton and McLaughlin in second and third.

Overall the I14 had an almost unblemished score sheet, well done to Martin and Iain. Andy Hooton sailed a very consistent series in his Musto and took second place and Alistair McLaughlin showed his light-wind skills and took third place. A good time was had and the sunshine certainly helped. Next stop for the Scottish Skiffs is the Scottish Champs at Helensburgh SC, with their brand new clubhouse, on the 15/16 of August.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoBoat TypeHelmCrewClubPYR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
11473Int 14Martin WilkieIain McCaffertyDalgety Bay SC85011311RET 7
258Musto SkiffAndy Hooton Loch Lomond SC87522153210
3303Musto SkiffAlastair McLaughlin Prestwick SC87534225314
4248Musto SkiffM Haine Prestwick SC87553546421
5265Musto SkiffIan Pittendireigh Aberdeen8756OCS 484527
669549erStewart RobertsonBen RobertsonRoyal Forth YC747DNC DNCDNC32128
71181VortexAngus Winchester Castle Semple SC93077667632
8255Musto SkiffAndrew Scott Dalgety Bay SC87588778737
9835RS800Mike MacMillanPete BrownHelensburgh SC82295899839
103136Int MothPaul Hignett Loch Venachar SC75046RET DNCDNCDNC43

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