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Selden Eye Swivel Cleat 27mm
Selden Eye Swivel Cleat 27mm

Scottish Skiff Series at Largo Bay Sailing Club

by Alistair Reid 28 Jun 2011 10:14 BST 25-26 June 2011

The third round of the Scottish Skiff Series was held over the weekend of 25/26 June at Largo Bay Sailing Club. The competitors arrived on Saturday morning to a flat calm River Forth. A long delay and a wait for wind ensued but eventually the patience of Race Officer Jim Blyth and the fleet was rewarded with the opportunity to get the racing started late in the afternoon.

After a game of Snakes and Ladders with lots of place changing over the 75 minute race, the first four boats finished within seconds of each other, with Alastair Conn (MPS 130) from Derwent Reservoir taking the win from fellow Derwent sailor John Evans (MPS 211) and Ian Renilson (MPS 449) from Dalgety Bay third.

Sunday saw the fleet take to the water for the scheduled 11am start. The light southerly breeze that the race started in soon dropped and the fleet drifted to complete a shortened course. Martin Wilkie and Iain McCafferty (Int 14 1473) DBSC made the best use of the light wind to win from Alistair Reid (MPS 254) LBSC and again Ian Renilson was third. The conditions did not suit Bob Yeamans (Slack Alice) or the foiling Moths.

Race 3 started after a short delay to reset the course for the building South Westerly. We were now trapezing and it felt good to stretch the legs. Martin and Iain in the Int 14 lead all the way for their second win of the day with Ian Renilson in second place. Alistair Reid held off John Evans for a hard fought third place.

The last race of the series started in the best sailing conditions of the weekend. Alastair Conn took a good lead from the start and pulled away from the chasing field. Both Moth’s put on a very impressive performance lapping all the fleet, not once but twice. With only 100 meters to the finish line Paul Rigg (Int Moth 3371) had gear failure, ending his weekend with a dramatic pitch pole. Paul Hignett (Int Moth 3890) Loch Vennacher won the race on his seventh lap with Alastair Conn second. Third place for Martin and Iain in the Int14 gave them the event win with a three point lead over Ian Renilson in second place.

Thanks go to Largo Bay Sailing Club for hosting the event and making the most of some difficult conditions.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoBoat NameBoat TypeHelmCrewClubPYR1R2R3R4Pts
11473Mango ChutneyInt. 14Martin WilkieIain McCaffertyDalgetyBaySC82541135
2449 Musto SkiffIan Renilson DalgetyBaySC86033248
3254UpsidedownerMusto SkiffAlistair Reid LargoBaySC860523610
4211 Musto SkiffJohn Evans DerwentReservoirSC860254511
5130 Musto SkiffAlastair Conn DerwentReservoirSC86011313216
61181Double TroubleLaser VortexAngus Winchester CastleSempleSC937846818
7695Kirsten49erBen RobertsonRob FriendRoyalForthYC7406851319
8294 Musto SkiffTom Conway DerwentReservoirSC8607681321
92683Pocket RocketCherubPhil AldersonCarol AldersonLargsSC9411377721
103890AuroraInt. MothPaul Hignett LochVennacharSC650131310124
113371 Int. MothPaul Rigg DalgetyBaySC650131391335
1298Slack AliceMusto SkiffBob Yeamans Aberdeen&StonehavenYC860913131335

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