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“Ground Breaking” Open Weekend at Erith Yacht Club

by Val Torreggiani 29 Jul 2009 11:48 BST 25-26 July 2009
Erith Yacht Club organised a Ground Breaking Ceremony and Open weekend to celebrate the start of work on their new clubhouse © Hellen Pethers

Last weekend was a very significant moment in the history of Erith Yacht Club. Following grants totalling £3.2m, Erith Yacht Club organised a Ground Breaking Ceremony and Open weekend, to mark the start, on Monday, of the building of their new club house. “Folgefonn” will be the last club ship forming part of EYC’s long history at Erith.

John Edmonds, EYC Commodore welcomed The Mayor of Bexley, Bernard Clewes and Mrs Clewes, MP John Austin, Leader of the Council, Teresa O’Neill, Cllr Peter Catterall and representatives from the HCA, Cory Environmental in Britain, Bexley Council and the RYA also representatives from Neilcotts the Builders, Gravesend RNLI crew, EYC members and many other visitors.

He summarised the history of the project to obtain a new clubhouse and the work involved. He thanked the contributors and wished a happy future to the club. The Mayor “broke the ground” and spoke about the good future the club had to look forward to, linking this to the benefits for the local community and young people.

A champagne toast to EYC was made, then lunch on Folgefonn.

The Open Day events commenced offering taster sessions in Laser Stratos Keel dinghies and club members chatted about the club and other activities that prospective members could enjoy. Short taster cruises around Erith Rands on the Commodore’s yacht proved popular.

The club bar served refreshments; the sundeck was ideal to view dinghy and cruiser racing. Nearly a dozen dinghies entered the two races, light wind and sunshine made close and enjoyable racing. The yacht race was well attended. So much boating activity on the water made a brilliant spectacle for visitors awaiting their taster session or enjoying the lively atmosphere. EYC members raced against neighbouring clubs including Stubbers Young Mariners, Thurrock and Greenwich. Gravesend Sailing Club also finished their Up River race at EYC. That night a musical social evening was thoroughly enjoyed by EYC members and visitors. Nobody wanted to go home!

On Sunday, further taster sessions were offered in dinghies and the Commodore’s yacht, and also taster “rescue boat” sessions. Yachts offered taster “racing” for their guests. Dinghy and cruiser racing took place in winds of force 4, gusting 5 with not too many capsizes.

At the prize giving ceremony on Folgefonn, glass plaques, commemorating the Ground Breaking weekend and race places, were presented by the Commodore and Sailing Secretary. Visitors and members were thanked for making the Ground Breaking Open Weekend so enjoyable, judging by the very positive comments of those coming ashore after their taster sessions. More than 200 people had taken part in the hugely successful and enjoyable weekend and as many as 70 people were involved in “new experience” taster sessions, the youngest was age 2 ½. Many other children attended, helping towards a family atmosphere.

EYC website has club and racing news updates, check the website, , where contact details can be found or email

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