RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship enters final stages
by Emma Slater, RYA 27 Feb 2013 12:37 GMT
2-3 March 2013

The RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship enters the final stages © SailX
As the RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championships enters its final stages we can reveal the massive scale of racing that has been going on over the past five weeks.
With a few days still to go before we unveil the individual and class champions at the show, we can confirm that the Championships has featured 100 regattas involving 780 races, with just over 21,000 boat-finishes.
On average SailX has hosted 4,800 minutes (3.3 days) of racing per day during the "Official Racing" period of the Championship and the intense racing has resulted in a 16,550 rules incidents (boat collisions), 923 protest flags being raised and 112 protest hearings.
With the average user fouling on-average eight times per hour of racing, it shows that there are certainly big gains to be made by keeping things simple, staying out of trouble and ultimately knowing and abiding by the rules!
"Looking at the individual leader board we can see that it's starting to look like the top-3 places are secure with "blow" representing the Musto Skiff Class firmly in the lead followed by "K11" (one of our finalists last year) representing the 29er Class and then by "bobisgr8" representing the Streaker Class. But with points increasing daily, the fight will continue between these three right until Sunday afternoon when we will be able to confirm finally who will be the holder of the "2013 Virtual Endeavour Trophy", commented Amando Estela, creator of SailX.
Competition is much more open when looking at the Class leader board, with the Musto Skiff Class and 29er Class (last years' winners) still fighting hard for the title of "RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship" winner. It's likely the Class battle will go to the wire and as we saw at last years' Live Final, there are many 29er sailors who regularly use SailX, so they are not going to let that title go without a fight!
Don't worry if you haven't joined in yet, there is still plenty of time to do so, with 70% of all points still up for grabs, nine regattas still to go and only three needing to count.
Practice racing takes place on www.sailx.com 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the 'RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship' regattas taking place at 1800, 2000 and 2200 GMT each day.
To enter the Championship go to www.sailx.com/ryadinghyshow
To go straight to racing click on www.sailx.com/racenow