All to play for in final regatta of the RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship
by Louise Nicholls, RYA 3 Mar 2013 18:00 GMT
3 March 2013

RYA Dinghy Show visitors competing in the RYA SailX Championship © Paul Wyeth / RYA
It all came down to the wire in the exciting conclusion of the RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship. The final regatta was held today at 1200 between individuals at the RYA Dinghy Show and hundreds of other sailors all over the world.
In this final regatta the 29er Class just beat the Musto Skiff Class to take the "RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship" trophy for the top class in the Championship and user "blow" managed to hang on to his lead and defend from one of last year's finalists, "K11", (Keith Escritt) to win the Virtual Endeavour Trophy. Prizes were presented on the Main Stage by Robert Coyle, Commodore of the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club.
Amando Estela, SailX founder "We were delighted with the competition again this year. While the number of competitors is roughly similar to last year, we have seen a clear progression in standard of racing as UK users get more familiar with SailX but also as more and more sailors get involved.
"For example last year it was much clearer who the top-three individuals where going to be - but this year we didn't know the result until the last minutes of racing.
"We were also really pleased with the reaction we have received from show visitors too - with a particularly good reaction to our "Club Offer" that allows clubs to set up and police their own SailX private racing from the comfort of their own clubhouse. SailX gives these clubs a great tool to keep their members engaged and learning when the sun doesn't shine.
"We are already looking forward to coming back next year again but this time perhaps with the first inter-club regatta!"
The RYA Dinghy Show SailX Championship saw six weeks of racing between 550 individuals with three regattas per day making a grand total of 126 regattas and nearly 100,000 minutes of user-racing time.
To find out more information about SailX and how your club could get involved go to