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ilovesailing announce calendar competition winners in August

by Emma Slater 6 Aug 2014 19:09 BST 6 August 2014

As Keith Johnson from Retford in Nottinghamshire and Jon Christian from Kristinehamn, Sweden are crowned winners nine and ten in the ilovesailing calendar competition, there are just two more places up for grabs as the competition nears its completion.

With a whopping 51 entries in July the judges were spoilt for choice, but both Keith and Jon's photos caught the judge's eyes clinching them a place on the 2015 calendar.

"Woooohooooo, I'm over the moon ", commented Keith when notified of his win. "The picture was taken on a lazy summers evening at Girton Sailing Club in North Nottinghamshire and I felt it epitomized everything that is great about an English summer spent down at the sailing club.

"Thank you for choosing my picture and the ilovesailing duck will take pride of place at the head of Girtons annual summer raft race."

While Jon, whose photo is entitled 'The end of the season', commented: "I'm very surprised and happy to have won, and inspired to keep taking pictures of my sailing journeys."

As well as claiming their spot on the 2015 calendar Jon and Keith also win:

  • Two tickets to the PSP Southampton Boat Show
  • Canvas print of their winning entry
  • A copy of the final printed calendar
  • A selection of RYA goodies
  • And of course the much loved and coveted ilovesailing rubber duck!

"Yet another two fantastic winners to add to the 2015 calendar", commented Emma Slater, ilovesailing co-ordinator. "It's great to see the competition growing in popularity and it has even gone international!

"This year's competition closes on 22 August so there are just over two weeks left for people to get their final entries in, so my advice it to get posting."

The ilovesailing calendar competition runs from March through to August 2014, with two photo winners being picked each month to appear on the 2015 calendar.

All you have to do to take part is post your favourite sailing photo(s) on to the ilovesailing Facebook page or email your entry to , it's that easy.

Two winners will be picked each month and will be announced on the ilovesailing Facebook page and/or contacted via email. All winners will also receive a copy of the calendar when it is completed as part of their prize package.

The ilovesailing calendar 2015 will be available to purchase from the 13 September when it is officially unveiled at the PSP Southampton Boat Show. Purchase your copy during the boat show and the first 100 people will also receive an ilovesailing duck, alternatively the calendars will be available to purchase via the RYA web shop,

As well as the new calendar competition the ilovesailing page will continue to run its ever popular weekly caption competition, giving you a chance to share your funny, clever and witty captions in a bid to win an ilovesailing duck.

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