Test sail a Devoti D-Zero during Abersoch Dinghy Week
by Rodney Cobb 19 Jul 2015 19:07 BST
26-31 July 2015

D-Zero sailing at Grafham © Nikky Evans
Test sail a Devoti D-Zero during Abersoch Dinghy Week 2015, 26th – 31st July.
There will be a number of D-Zeros racing during the week and some boats will be available after the racing each day.
David Summerville will be running this opportunity so either email David, , or find him at the event to arrange to try this fantastic, 21C, lightweight single-hander.
If you are not able to test the D-Zero at Abersoch but would like to try the boat at another time/venue please email .
For more information on the D-Zero go to www.suntouched.co.uk