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Henri-Lloyd Dynamic Range

Suntouched Sailboats announce their amazing seasonal offers!

by Rodney Cobb, Suntouched Sailboats 13 Oct 2017 11:30 BST 13 October 2017
D-Zeros at Oxford © Suntouched Sailboats

Don't miss the chance to join the vibrant and nationally active D-One fleet! From today until the 30th November 2017, Suntouched are offering £1,000 discount from the list price of a new D-One, including any trolleys, covers and upgrades.

The D-Zero is recognised as being one of the most exciting of the new generation dinghies with appeal to all, from beginners to the most discerning experienced racers. With a choice of the standard sail or the smaller blue sail, a very wide weight range is covered for competitive sailing.

With fleets countrywide, from Cornwall to Scotland, and a comprehensive regatta program, the racing sailor can enjoy the D-Zero experience.

Visit our website or the D-Zero Class Association website for more information:

The keep you warm and comfortable this winter, Suntouched are offering great seasonal prices on a range of products.

Having introduced the Sandiline range to the UK six years ago, Suntouched are the major supplier of Sandiline sailing products in the UK and also now supply the range throughout the world. Sandiline clothing is recognised for their range of Hiking Pants which are considered to be the best on the market by a majority of world class sailors including many Olympic medal winners. As well as offering these superb hiking pants Sandiline have a significant range of other, similarly high quality products, to make your sailing more pleasurable and comfortable. Take a look at our Sandiline shopping page –

Suntouched are partnering with North OD on their annual seasonal discount offers. Suntouched have been dealers for North OD for the past 15 years and have gained expertise in many of the classes on North's portfolio. Of course, as you may guess, our special areas of expertise are in the Finn, D-One and D-Zero.

Offers on all classes including, for the first time, the Devoti D-One and D-Zero.

Please give us a call to discuss your requirements and ask about the seasonal pricing deals - +44 (0) 7734 251033 or email us -

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