Discover Sailing Public Open Day at Albert Sailing Club Melbourne
by Rod Thomas 16 Oct 2019 23:18 BST
20 October 2019

RS Zest fleet © Rod Thomas
A month of Discover Sailing Days at Victorian clubs kicks off at Melbourne's Albert Sailing Club on Sunday 20th October. The club will be open from 10am to 3pm for the Public Open Day on Albert Park Lake, the safest and most convenient location for sailing in Melbourne.
This is a good opportunity for people at all ages and levels of experience to try sailing on a monohull dinghy sailboat and to find out more about the club and its activities. A range of multi-crewed club training boats will be in operation including a new RS Quest, and a number of RS Zests and Pacer class boats. Also a couple of single handed boats will be available for people with some sailing experience and club Ozi Optis for juniors eight to 12 years to sail 1up or 2up.
Enjoy the activity on Albert Park Lake from the clubhouse decking, and the lunchtime barbecue. The Discover Sailing Day is part of a busy Spring season at Albert Sailing Club. Each Saturday afternoon there is a club race for dinghy classes and a junior green fleet program in Ozi Optis and International Optimist class boats.
The Spring Learn to Sail program for adults and youth commences on Sunday 27th October, and there are a series of social events to the end of the year including a Trivia night and twilight Sail and BBQ sessions.
Further information about the club and activities are available on