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Scottish Skiff Grand Prix at Helensburgh Sailing Club

by Richard Stenhouse 13 Apr 2007 09:58 BST 7-8 April 2007

Helensburg Sailing Club hosted the first event of the Scottish Skiff Racing Circuit over Easter weekend. Saturday was hot and sunny with a light to medium north westerly wind.

This gave some challenging tactics with no one side being favoured due to some interesting tidal effects between Gare lock and the Firth of Clyde. The tidal gains were often over ridden by changes in pressure and wind shifts, not a day to go the same way as last time.

The race officer set a big windward leeward course and used average lap times to decide the winner of the 30 strong fleet of the various skiff type classes.

Race 1. the 49ers had a good start, a close battle followed between Colin/Craig and

Matty/James Lyons, with the Lyons being the victors.

Richard Stenhouse the leading MPS, split the 49ers on handicap after out hoisting Kit Stenhouse MPS on the final downwind, Ian Trotter MPS was next holding off John Reekie and Mark Goalan also MPS, with good local tidal knowledge and down wind speed showing the training weekends have been paying off.

Race 2 The line was port biased, John Evans MPS won the pin but got caught in a lull, Ian Renilson MPS decided to tack off onto port and sail towards Helensburg searching for a tidal advantage.

Kit waited for a header and the followed Ian crossing the 49ers and RS800 who were slow out of the blocks. The wind clocked left giving Kit a tactically controlling position to lead at the top mark, but was soon overtaken by the 49ers on the downwind.

On the final beat Richard pulled back from mid fleet to overtake Kit coming in to the windwind mark. Stenhouses finishing 1 and 2, Ian Renilson MPS was pleased to finish 3rd after a close battle with Trotter.

Race 3 Sunday was colder with a strong North Westerly wind, Paul Hignett racing his foiling moth showed us all how quick a moth can be by easily port tacking the fleet , like we were all stationary off the start line.

He also demonstrated some fantastic crashes in the increasing wind and waves, he managed to hold on to get 4th.

Ross/Stuart in there RS800 lead around the course with the conditions being a handful for the 49ers. But miss judged the downwind lay lines to give the race to Richard on handicap.

Trotter was third.

Race 4. the conditions steadily got trickier making it a race to remember. Collin Alored MPS from Filey showed good speed to speed up the first beat to be in the leading bunch at the top mark.

Ross/Stuart again had a commanding lead followed by Trotter .Richard Stenhouse down in 10th went left downwind into the flatter water to take trotter by the leeward mark. A faster route but not as much fun as jumping the waves on the right when most of the fleet went.

Ross/Stuart Had it in the bag until they capsized on the final gybe, giving Richard another first place followed by Trotter in second.

Race 5 was cancelled as the wind and waves got wilder and the Royal Navy on the way in a Submarine.

Thanks to HSC for a great weekend, lots of wind and waves, a good view of the hills and a submarine. Next event in the SSR Series is east Lothian on the 2nd-3rd June after racing we hope to have an adventure sail around the Bass rock.

Thanks to Trident UK for supporting the event with some great prizes, Virtual skipper PC Game and Kit bags.

Overall Results:

1st Richard Stenhouse, MPS, Helly Hansen
2nd Ian Trotter, MPS, Trident UK
3rd Kit Stenhouse, MPS, Helly Hansen

First in class:
5th Ross McKerchar/Stuart Gardiner, RS800 (Dalgety Bay)
8th Matty Lyons/James Lyons, 49er (Ulswater)
11th Alison Davies/Andrew Greer, Laser 4000 (Helensburg)

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